1 And Elijahthe Tishbite, who wasof the inhabitantsof Gilead, saidunto Ahab, Asthe LordGodof Israelliveth, beforewhom I stand, there shall not be dewnor rainthese years, but accordingto my word.nElijah: Heb. Elijahu: Gr. Elias2 And the wordof the Lordcame unto him, saying,3 Getthee hence, and turnthee eastward, and hidethyself by the brookCherith, that isbeforeJordan.4 And it shall be, thatthou shalt drinkof the brook; and I have commandedthe ravensto feed thee there.5 So he wentand didaccording unto the wordof the Lord: for he wentand dweltby the brookCherith, that isbeforeJordan.6 And the ravensbroughthim breadand fleshin the morning, and breadand fleshin the evening; and he drankof the brook.7 And it came to pass aftera while, that the brookdried up, because there had been no rainin the land.nafter…: Heb. at the end of days
8 And the wordof the Lordcame unto him, saying,9 Arise, getthee to Zarephath, which belongethto Zidon, and dwellthere: behold, I have commandeda widowwomanthere to sustain thee.nZarephath: Gr. Sarepta10 So he aroseand wentto Zarephath. And when he cameto the gateof the city, behold, the widowwomanwasthere gatheringof sticks: and he calledto her, and said, Fetchme, I pray thee, a littlewaterin a vessel, that I may drink.11 And as she was goingto fetchit, he calledto her, and said, Bringme, I pray thee, a morselof breadin thine hand.12 And she said, Asthe Lordthy Godliveth, I havenot a cake, but an handfulof mealin a barrel, and a littleoilin a cruse: and, behold, I amgatheringtwosticks, that I may go inand dressit for me and my son, that we may eatit, and die.13 And Elijahsaidunto her, Fearnot; goanddoas thou hast said: but makeme thereofa littlecakefirst, and bringitunto me, and aftermakefor thee and for thy son.14 For thus saiththe LordGodof Israel, The barrelof mealshall not waste, neither shall the cruseof oilfail, until the daythatthe Lordsendethrainuponthe earth.nsendeth: Heb. giveth15 And she wentand didaccording to the sayingof Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eatmanydays.nmany…: or, a full year16 Andthe barrelof mealwastednot, neither did the cruseof oilfail, according to the wordof the Lord, which he spakebyElijah.nby: Heb. by the hand of
17 And it came to pass afterthese things, thatthe sonof the woman, the mistressof the house, fell sick; and his sicknesswas sosore, that there was no breathleft in him.18 And she saidunto Elijah, What have I to do with thee, O thou manof God? art thou comeunto me to callmy sinto remembrance, and to slaymy son?19 And he saidunto her, Giveme thy son. And he tookhim out of her bosom, and carried him upinto a loft, where he abode, and laidhim upon his own bed.20 And he criedunto the Lord, and said, O Lordmy God, hast thou also brought evilupon the widowwith whom I sojourn, by slayingher son?21 And he stretchedhimself upon the childthreetimes, and criedunto the Lord, and said, O Lordmy God, I pray thee, let this child'ssoulcomeinto himagain.nstretched: Heb. measuredninto…: Heb. into his inward parts22 And the Lordheardthe voiceof Elijah; and the soulof the childcameinto himagain, and he revived.23 And Elijahtookthe child, and brought him downout of the chamberinto the house, and deliveredhim unto his mother: and Elijahsaid, See, thy sonliveth.
24 And the womansaidto Elijah, Now by thisI know that thou arta manof God, andthat the wordof the Lordin thy mouthistruth.