1 And kingZedekiahthe sonof Josiahreignedinstead of Coniahthe sonof Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzarkingof Babylonmade kingin the landof Judah.2 But neither he, nor his servants, nor the peopleof the land, did hearkenunto the wordsof the Lord, which he spakebythe prophetJeremiah.nby…: Heb. by the hand of the prophet3 And Zedekiahthe kingsentJehucalthe sonof Shelemiahand Zephaniahthe sonof Maaseiahthe priestto the prophetJeremiah, saying, Praynow unto the Lordour God for us.4 Now Jeremiahcame inand went outamongthe people: for they had not puthim into prison.5 Then Pharaoh'sarmywas come forthout of Egypt: and when the Chaldeansthat besiegedJerusalemheardtidingsof them, they departedfrom Jerusalem.
6 Then came the wordof the Lordunto the prophetJeremiah, saying,7 Thus saiththe Lord, the Godof Israel; Thus shall ye sayto the kingof Judah, that sentyou unto me to enquireof me; Behold, Pharaoh'sarmy, which is come forthto helpyou, shall returnto Egyptinto their own land.8 And the Chaldeansshall come again, and fightagainst this city, and takeit, and burnit with fire.9 Thus saiththe Lord; Deceivenot yourselves, saying, The Chaldeansshall surelydepartfrom us: for they shall not depart.nyourselves: Heb. your souls10 For though ye had smittenthe whole armyof the Chaldeansthat fightagainst you, and there remainedbutwoundedmen among them, yetshould they rise upevery manin his tent, and burnthis citywith fire.nwounded: Heb. thrust through
11 And it came to pass, that when the armyof the Chaldeanswas broken upfrom Jerusalemfor fearof Pharaoh'sarmy,nbroken…: Heb. made to ascend12 Then Jeremiahwent forthout of Jerusalemto gointo the landof Benjamin, to separatehimself thence in the midstof the people.nseparate…: or, to slip away from thence in the midst of the people13 And when he was in the gateof Benjamin, a captainof the wardwasthere, whose namewasIrijah, the sonof Shelemiah, the sonof Hananiah; and he tookJeremiahthe prophet, saying, Thou fallest awayto the Chaldeans.14 Then saidJeremiah, It isfalse; I fall not awayto the Chaldeans. But he hearkenednot to him: so IrijahtookJeremiah, and broughthim to the princes.nfalse: Heb. falsehood, or, a lie15 Wherefore the princeswere wrothwith Jeremiah, and smotehim, and puthim in prisonin the houseof Jonathanthe scribe: for they had madethat the prison.
16 When Jeremiahwas enteredinto the dungeon, and into the cabins, and Jeremiahhad remainedthere manydays;ncabins: or, cells17 Then Zedekiahthe kingsent, and took him out: and the kingaskedhim secretlyin his house, and said, Is there anywordfrom the Lord? And Jeremiahsaid, There is: for, saidhe, thou shalt be deliveredinto the handof the kingof Babylon.18 Moreover Jeremiahsaidunto kingZedekiah, What have I offendedagainst thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have putme in prison?19 Where arenowyour prophetswhich prophesiedunto you, saying, The kingof Babylonshall not comeagainst you, nor against this land?20 Therefore hearnow, I pray thee, O my lordthe king: let my supplication, I pray thee, be acceptedbeforethee; that thou cause me not to returnto the houseof Jonathanthe scribe, lest I die there.nlet…: Heb. let my supplication fall21 Then Zedekiahthe kingcommandedthat they should commitJeremiahinto the courtof the prison, and that they should givehim dailya pieceof breadout of the bakers'street, until all the breadin the citywere spent. Thus Jeremiahremainedin the courtof the prison.