1 Moreover the wordof the Lordcame unto Jeremiahthe secondtime, while he was yet shut upin the courtof the prison, saying,2 Thus saiththe Lordthe makerthereof, the Lordthat formedit, to establishit; the Lordishis name;nthe Lord is: or, Jehovah, etc3 Callunto me, and I will answerthee, and shewthee greatand mighty things, which thou knowest not.nmighty: or, hidden4 For thus saiththe Lord, the Godof Israel, concerning the housesof this city, and concerning the housesof the kingsof Judah, which are thrown downby the mounts, and by the sword;5 They cometo fightwith the Chaldeans, but it isto fillthem with the dead bodiesof men, whom I have slainin mine angerand in my fury, and for all whose wickednessI have hidmy facefrom this city.6 Behold, I will bringit healthand cure, and I will curethem, and will revealunto them the abundanceof peaceand truth.7 And I will cause the captivityof Judahand the captivityof Israelto return, and will buildthem, as at the first.8 And I will cleansethem from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinnedagainst me; and I will pardonall their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me.
9 And it shall be to me a nameof joy, a praiseand an honourbefore all the nationsof the earth, which shall hearall the goodthat I dounto them: and they shall fearand tremblefor all the goodnessand for all the prosperitythat I procure unto it.10 Thus saiththe Lord; Again there shall be heardin this place, which ye sayshall bedesolatewithout manand without beast, evenin the citiesof Judah, and in the streetsof Jerusalem, that are desolate, without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast,11 The voiceof joy, and the voiceof gladness, the voiceof the bridegroom, and the voiceof the bride, the voiceof them that shall say, Praisethe Lordof hosts: for the Lordisgood; for his mercyendurethfor ever: andof them that shall bringthe sacrifice of praiseinto the houseof the Lord. For I will cause to returnthe captivityof the land, as at the first, saiththe Lord.12 Thus saiththe Lordof hosts; Again in this place, which is desolatewithout manand without beast, and in all the citiesthereof, shall be an habitationof shepherds causing theirflocksto lie down.13 In the citiesof the mountains, in the citiesof the vale, and in the citiesof the south, and in the landof Benjamin, and in the places aboutJerusalem, and in the citiesof Judah, shall the flockspass againunder the handsof him that telleththem, saiththe Lord.14 Behold, the dayscome, saiththe Lord, that I will performthat goodthingwhich I have promisedunto the houseof Israeland to the houseof Judah.
15 In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branchof righteousnessto grow upunto David; and he shall executejudgmentand righteousnessin the land.16 In those daysshall Judahbe saved, and Jerusalemshall dwellsafely: and this is the namewherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness.nThe Lord…: Heb. Jehovah–tsidkenu
17 For thus saiththe Lord; Davidshall neverwanta manto situpon the throneof the houseof Israel;nDavid…: Heb. There shall not be cut off from David18 Neither shall the prieststhe Leviteswanta manbeforeme to offerburnt offerings, and to kindlemeat offerings, and to dosacrificecontinually.
19 And the wordof the Lordcame unto Jeremiah, saying,20 Thus saiththe Lord; If ye can breakmy covenantof the day, and my covenantof the night, and that there should not be dayand nightin their season;21 Thenmay also my covenantbe brokenwith Davidmy servant, that he should not have a sonto reignupon his throne; and with the Levitesthe priests, my ministers.22 As the hostof heavencannot be numbered, neither the sandof the seameasured: so will I multiplythe seedof Davidmy servant, and the Levitesthat minister unto me.23 Moreover the wordof the Lordcame to Jeremiah, saying,24 Considerestthou not what this peoplehave spoken, saying, The twofamilieswhich the Lordhath chosen, he hath even cast them off? thus they have despisedmy people, that they should be no more a nationbefore them.25 Thus saiththe Lord; If my covenantbenot with dayand night, and ifI have not appointedthe ordinancesof heavenand earth;26 Thenwill I cast awaythe seedof Jacob, and Davidmy servant, sothat I will not takeanyof his seedto berulersover the seedof Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivityto return, and have mercy on them.