1 The wordthat came to Jeremiahfrom the Lord, saying,2 Hearye the wordsof this covenant, and speakunto the menof Judah, and to the inhabitantsof Jerusalem;3 And saythou unto them, Thus saiththe LordGodof Israel; Cursedbethe manthat obeyethnot the wordsof this covenant,4 Which I commandedyour fathersin the daythatI brought them forthout of the landof Egypt, from the ironfurnace, saying, Obeymy voice, and dothem, according to all which I commandyou: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:5 That I may performthe oathwhich I have swornunto your fathers, to givethem a landflowingwith milkand honey, as it isthis day. Then answeredI, and said, So be it, O Lord.nSo…: Heb. Amen6 Then the Lordsaidunto me, Proclaimall these wordsin the citiesof Judah, and in the streetsof Jerusalem, saying, Hearye the wordsof this covenant, and do them.7 For I earnestlyprotestedunto your fathersin the daythatI brought them upout of the landof Egypt, evenunto this day, rising earlyand protesting, saying, Obeymy voice.8 Yet they obeyednot, nor inclinedtheir ear, but walkedevery onein the imaginationof their evilheart: therefore I will bringupon them all the wordsof this covenant, which I commandedthemto do; but they didthem not.nimagination: or, stubbornness9 And the Lordsaidunto me, A conspiracyis foundamong the menof Judah, and among the inhabitantsof Jerusalem.10 They are turned backto the iniquitiesof their forefathers, which refusedto hearmy words; and they wentafterothergodsto servethem: the houseof Israeland the houseof Judahhave brokenmy covenantwhich I madewith their fathers.
11 Therefore thus saiththe Lord, Behold, I will bringevilupon them, which they shall not be ableto escape; and though they shall cryunto me, I will not hearken unto them.nto escape: Heb. to go forth of12 Then shall the citiesof Judahand inhabitantsof Jerusalemgo, and cryunto the godsunto whom they offer incense: but they shall not savethem at allin the timeof their trouble.ntrouble: Heb. evil13 For according tothe numberof thy citieswere thy gods, O Judah; and according tothe numberof the streetsof Jerusalemhave ye set upaltars to thatshameful thing, evenaltarsto burn incenseunto Baal.nshameful…: Heb. shame14 Therefore praynot thou for this people, neither lift upa cryor prayerfor them: for I will not hearthemin the timethat they cryunto me for their trouble.ntrouble: Heb. evil15 What hath my belovedto do in mine house, seeingshe hath wroughtlewdnesswith many, and the holyfleshis passedfrom thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.nWhat…: Heb. What is to my beloved in my housenwhen…: or, when thy evil is16 The Lordcalledthy name, A greenolive tree, fair, andof goodlyfruit: with the noiseof a greattumulthe hath kindledfireupon it, and the branchesof it are broken.17 For the Lordof hosts, that plantedthee, hath pronouncedevilagainst thee, forthe evilof the houseof Israeland of the houseof Judah, which they have doneagainst themselves to provoke me to angerin offering incenseunto Baal.
18 And the Lordhath given me knowledgeof it, and I knowit: then thou shewedstme their doings.19 But I waslike a lamboran oxthatis broughtto the slaughter; and I knewnot that they had deviseddevices against me, saying, Let us destroythe treewith the fruitthereof, and let us cut him offfrom the landof the living, that his namemay be no more remembered.nthe tree…: Heb. the stalk with his bread20 But, O Lordof hosts, that judgestrighteously, that triestthe reinsand the heart, let me seethy vengeanceon them: for unto thee have I revealedmy cause.21 Therefore thus saiththe Lordof the menof Anathoth, that seekthy life, saying, Prophesynot in the nameof the Lord, that thou dienot by our hand:22 Therefore thus saiththe Lordof hosts, Behold, I will punishthem: the young menshall dieby the sword; their sonsand their daughtersshall dieby famine:npunish: Heb. visit upon23 And there shall be no remnantof them: for I will bringevilupon the menof Anathoth, eventhe yearof their visitation.