1 Thefirstdayof the weekcomethMaryMagdaleneearly, when it wasyetdark, untothe sepulchre, andseeththe stonetaken awayfromthe sepulchre.2 Thenshe runneth, andcomethtoSimonPeter, andtothe otherdisciple, whomJesusloved, andsaithunto them, They have taken awaythe Lordout ofthe sepulchre, andwe knownotwherethey have laidhim.3 Peterthereforewent forth, andthatotherdisciple, andcametothe sepulchre.4 Sothey ranbothtogether: andthe otherdiscipledid outrunPeter, andcamefirsttothe sepulchre.5 Andhe stooping down, and looking in, sawthe linen clotheslying; yetwent henotin.6 ThencomethSimonPeterfollowinghim, andwentintothe sepulchre, andseeththe linen clotheslie,7 Andthe napkin, thatwasabouthishead, notlyingwiththe linen clothes, butwrapped togetherina placeby itself.8 Thenwent inalsothat otherdisciple, whichcamefirsttothe sepulchre, andhe saw, andbelieved.9 Foras yetthey knewnotthe scripture, thathemustrise againfromthe dead.10 Thenthe discipleswent awayagainuntotheir own home.
11 ButMarystoodwithoutatthe sepulchreweeping: andasshe wept, she stooped down, and lookedintothe sepulchre,12 Andseethtwoangelsinwhitesitting, the oneatthe head, andthe otheratthe feet, wherethe bodyof Jesushad lain.13 Andtheysayunto her, Woman, whyweepest thou? She saithunto them, Becausethey have taken awaymyLord, andI knownotwherethey have laidhim.14 Andwhen she hadthussaid, she turned herselfback, andsawJesusstanding, andknewnotthatit wasJesus.15 Jesussaithunto her, Woman, whyweepest thou? whomseekest thou?She, supposinghimto bethe gardener, saithunto him, Sir, ifthouhave bornehimhence, tellmewherethou hast laidhim, and Iwill takehimaway.16 Jesussaithunto her, Mary.She turned herself, and saithunto him, Rabboni; whichis to say, Master.17 Jesussaithunto her, Touchmenot; forI amnot yetascendedtomyFather: butgotomybrethren, andsayunto them, I ascenduntomyFather, andyourFather; andtomyGod, andyourGod.18 MaryMagdalenecameand toldthe disciplesthatshe had seenthe Lord, andthathe had spokenthese thingsunto her.
19 Thenthe samedayat evening, beingthe firstdayof the week, whenthe doorswere shutwherethe discipleswereassembledforfearof the Jews, cameJesusandstoodinthe midst, andsaithunto them, Peacebeunto you.20 Andwhen he hadsosaid, he shewedunto themhishandsandhisside. Thenwerethe disciplesglad, when they sawthe Lord.21 ThensaidJesusto themagain, Peacebeunto you: asmyFatherhath sentme, even sosend Iyou.22 Andwhen he had saidthis, he breathed onthem, andsaithunto them, Receive yethe HolyGhost:23 Whosesoeversinsye remit, they are remittedunto them; andwhosesoeversinsye retain, they are retained.
24 ButThomas, oneofthe twelve, calledDidymus, wasnotwiththemwhenJesuscame.25 The otherdisciplesthereforesaidunto him, We have seenthe Lord. Buthe saidunto them, ExceptI shall seeinhishandsthe printof the nails, andputmyfingerintothe printof the nails, andthrustmyhandintohisside, I willnotbelieve.