1 Nowbeforethe feastof the passover, whenJesusknewthathishourwas comethathe should departout ofthisworlduntothe Father, having lovedhis ownwhich wereinthe world, he lovedthemuntothe end.2 Andsupperbeing ended, the devilhavingnowputintothe heartof JudasIscariot, Simon'sson, tobetrayhim;3 Jesusknowingthatthe Fatherhad givenall thingsintohishands, andthathe was comefromGod, andwenttoGod;4 He risethfromsupper, andlaid asidehisgarments; andtooka towel, and girdedhimself.5 After thathe pourethwaterintoa bason, andbeganto washthe disciples'feet, andto wipethemwith the towelwherewithhe wasgirded.6 Thencometh hetoSimonPeter: andPeter saithunto him, Lord, dostthouwashmyfeet?7 Jesusansweredandsaidunto him, WhatIdothouknowestnotnow; butthou shalt knowhereafter.8 Petersaithunto him, Thou shaltneverwashmyfeet. Jesusansweredhim, IfI washtheenot, thou hastnopartwithme.9 SimonPetersaithunto him, Lord, notmyfeetonly, butalsomyhandsandmyhead.10 Jesussaithto him, He thatis washedneedethnotsaveto washhisfeet, butiscleanevery whit: andyeareclean, butnotall.11 Forhe knewwhoshould betrayhim; thereforesaid he, Ye arenotallclean.12 Soafterhe had washedtheirfeet, andhad takenhisgarments, and was set downagain, he saidunto them, Know yewhatI have doneto you?13 YecallmeMasterandLord: andye saywell; forsoI am.14 IfIthen, yourLordandMaster, have washedyourfeet; yealsooughtto washone another'sfeet.15 ForI have givenyouan example, thatyeshould doasIhave doneto you.16 Verily, verily, I sayunto you, The servantisnotgreaterthan hislord; neitherhe that is sentgreaterthan he that senthim.17 Ifye knowthese things, happyare yeifye dothem.
18 I speaknotofyouall: IknowwhomI have chosen: butthatthe scripturemay be fulfilled, He thateatethbreadwithmehath lifted uphisheelagainstme.19 NowI tellyoubeforeit come, that, whenit is come to pass, ye may believethatIamhe.20 Verily, verily, I sayunto you, He that receivethwhomsoeverI sendreceivethme; andhe thatreceivethmereceivethhim thatsentme.21 When Jesushadthussaid, he was troubledin spirit, andtestified, andsaid, Verily, verily, I sayunto you, thatoneofyoushall betrayme.22 Thenthe discipleslookedoneon another, doubtingofwhomhe spake.23 Nowthere wasleaningonJesus'bosomoneof hisdisciples, whomJesusloved.24 SimonPeterthereforebeckonedto him, that he should askwhoit should beofwhomhe spake.25 HethenlyingonJesus'breastsaithunto him, Lord, whois it?26 Jesusanswered, Heit is, to whomIshall givea sop, when I have dippedit.Andwhen he had dippedthe sop, he gaveitto JudasIscariot, the sonof Simon.27 Andafterthe sopSatanenteredintohim. ThensaidJesusunto him, Thatthou doest, doquickly.28 Nowno manat the tableknewfor what intenthe spakethisunto him.29 Forsomeof themthought, becauseJudashadthe bag, thatJesushad saidunto him, Buythose thingsthatwe haveneedof againstthe feast; or, thathe should givesomethingto the poor.30 Hethenhaving receivedthe sopwentimmediatelyout: andit wasnight.
31 Therefore, whenhe was gone out, Jesussaid, Nowisthe Sonof manglorified, andGodis glorifiedinhim.32 IfGodbe glorifiedinhim, Godshallalsoglorifyhiminhimself, andshallstraightwayglorifyhim.33 Little children, yeta little whileI amwithyou. Ye shall seekme: andasI saidunto the Jews, WhitherIgo, yecannotcome; sonowI sayto you.34 A newcommandmentI giveunto you, Thatye loveone another; asI have lovedyou, thatyealsoloveone another.35 Bythisshallallmenknowthatye aremydisciples, ifye haveloveoneto another.
36 SimonPetersaidunto him, Lord, whithergoest thou? Jesusansweredhim, WhitherI go, thou canstnotfollowmenow; butthou shalt followmeafterwards.37 Petersaidunto him, Lord, whycannot Ifollowtheenow? I will lay downmylifeforthy sake.38 Jesusansweredhim, Wilt thou lay downthylifeformy sake? Verily, verily, I sayunto thee, The cockshallnotcrow, tillthou hast deniedmethrice.