1 Inthe beginningwasthe Word, andthe WordwaswithGod, andthe WordwasGod.2 The samewasinthe beginningwithGod.3 All thingswere madebyhim; andwithouthimwasnotany thingmadethatwas made.4 Inhimwaslife; andthe lifewasthe lightof men.5 Andthe lightshinethindarkness; andthe darknesscomprehendeditnot.
6 There wasa mansentfromGod, whosenamewasJohn.7 The samecamefora witness, tobear witnessofthe Light, thatallmenthroughhimmight believe.8 He wasnotthatLight, butwas senttobear witnessofthat Light.9 Thatwasthe trueLight, whichlightetheverymanthat comethintothe world.10 He wasinthe world, andthe worldwas madebyhim, andthe worldknewhimnot.11 He cameuntohis own, andhis ownreceivedhimnot.12 Butas many asreceivedhim, to themgave hepowerto becomethe sonsof God, evento themthat believeonhisname:13 Whichwere born, notofblood, norofthe willof the flesh, norofthe willof man, butofGod.14 Andthe Wordwas madeflesh, anddweltamongus, (andwe beheldhisglory, the gloryasof the only begottenofthe Father,) fullof graceandtruth.
15 Johnbare witnessofhim, andcried, saying, Thiswashe of whomI spake, He thatcomethaftermeis preferredbeforeme: forhe wasbeforeme.16 Andofhisfulnesshaveallwereceived, andgraceforgrace.17 Forthe lawwas givenbyMoses, butgraceandtruthcamebyJesusChrist.18 No manhath seenGodat any time; the only begottenSon, whichisinthe bosomof the Father, hehath declaredhim.
19 Andthisisthe recordof John, whenthe JewssentpriestsandLevitesfromJerusalemtoaskhim, Whoartthou?20 Andhe confessed, anddeniednot; butconfessed, Iamnotthe Christ.21 Andthey askedhim, Whatthen? ArtthouElias? Andhe saith, I amnot. Artthouthat prophet? Andhe answered, No.22 Thensaid theyunto him, Whoart thou? thatwe may givean answerto themthat sentus. Whatsayest thouofthyself?23 He said, Iamthe voiceof one cryinginthe wilderness, Make straightthe wayof the Lord, assaidthe prophetEsaias.24 Andtheywhich were sentwereofthe Pharisees.25 Andthey askedhim, andsaidunto him, Whybaptizest thouthen, ifthoubenotthat Christ, norElias, neitherthat prophet?26 Johnansweredthem, saying, Ibaptizewithwater: butthere standeth one amongyou, whomyeknownot;27 Heit is, whocomingaftermeis preferredbeforeme, whoseshoe'slatchetIamnotworthyto unloose.28 These thingswere doneinBethabarabeyondJordan, whereJohnwasbaptizing.
29 The next dayJohnseethJesuscominguntohim, andsaith, Beholdthe Lambof God, whichtaketh awaythe sinof the world.30 Thisis he ofwhomIsaid, Aftermecometha manwhichis preferredbeforeme: forhe wasbeforeme.31 And Iknewhimnot: butthathe should be made manifestto Israel, thereforeamIcomebaptizingwithwater.32 AndJohnbare record, saying, I sawthe Spiritdescendingfromheavenlikea dove, andit abodeuponhim.33 AndI knewhimnot: buthethat sentmeto baptizewithwater, the samesaidunto me, Uponwhomthou shalt seethe Spiritdescending, andremainingonhim, the sameishewhich baptizethwiththeHolyGhost.34 AndI saw, andbare recordthatthisisthe Sonof God.
35 Againthe next dayafterJohnstood, andtwoofhisdisciples;36 Andlookingupon Jesusas he walked, he saith, Beholdthe Lambof God!37 Andthe twodisciplesheardhimspeak, andthey followedJesus.38 ThenJesusturned, andsawthemfollowing, and saithunto them, Whatseek ye?They saidunto him, Rabbi, (whichis to say, being interpreted, Master,) wheredwellest thou?39 He saithunto them, Comeandsee.They cameandsawwherehe dwelt, andabodewithhimthatday: forit wasaboutthe tenthhour.40 Oneofthe twowhichheardJohnspeak, andfollowedhim, wasAndrew, SimonPeter'sbrother.41 Hefirstfindethhis ownbrotherSimon, andsaithunto him, We have foundthe Messias, whichis, being interpreted, the Christ.42 Andhe broughthimtoJesus. AndwhenJesusbeheldhim, he said, ThouartSimonthe sonof Jona: thoushalt be calledCephas,whichis by interpretation, A stone.
43 The day followingJesuswouldgo forthintoGalilee, andfindethPhilip, andsaithunto him, Followme.44 NowPhilipwasofBethsaida, the cityof AndrewandPeter.45 PhilipfindethNathanael, andsaithunto him, We have found him, of whomMosesinthe law, andthe prophets, did write, JesusofNazareth, the sonof Joseph.46 AndNathanaelsaidunto him, Can thereanygoodthingcomeout ofNazareth? Philipsaithunto him, Comeandsee.47 JesussawNathanaelcomingtohim, andsaithofhim, Beholdan Israeliteindeed, inwhomisnoguile!48 Nathanaelsaithunto him, Whenceknowest thoume? Jesusansweredandsaidunto him, BeforethatPhilipcalledthee, when thou wastunderthe fig tree, I sawthee.49 Nathanaelansweredandsaithunto him, Rabbi, thouartthe Sonof God; thouartthe Kingof Israel.50 Jesusansweredandsaidunto him, BecauseI saidunto thee, I sawtheeunderthe fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt seegreater things thanthese.51 Andhe saithunto him, Verily, verily, I sayunto you, Hereafterye shall seeheavenopen, andthe angelsof Godascendinganddescendinguponthe Sonof man.