1 And the childrenof Israeldidevilin the sightof the Lord: and the Lorddeliveredthem into the handof Midiansevenyears.2 And the handof Midianprevailedagainst Israel: andbecauseof the Midianitesthe childrenof Israelmadethem the dens which arein the mountains, and caves, and strong holds.nprevailed: Heb. was strong3 And soit was, when Israelhad sown, that the Midianitescame up, and the Amalekites, and the childrenof the east, even they came up against them;4 And they encampedagainst them, and destroyedthe increaseof the earth, till thou comeunto Gaza, and leftno sustenancefor Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass.nsheep: or goat5 For they came upwith their cattleand their tents, and they cameasgrasshoppersfor multitude; forboth they and their camelswere without number: and they enteredinto the landto destroy it.6 And Israelwas greatlyimpoverishedbecauseof the Midianites; and the childrenof Israelcriedunto the Lord.
7 And it came to pass, when the childrenof Israelcriedunto the Lordbecauseof the Midianites,8 That the Lordsenta prophetunto the childrenof Israel, which saidunto them, Thus saiththe LordGodof Israel, I brought you upfrom Egypt, and brought you forthout of the houseof bondage;na prophet: Heb. a man a prophet9 And I deliveredyou out of the handof the Egyptians, and out of the handof all that oppressedyou, and drave them outfrom beforeyou, and gaveyou their land;10 And I said unto you, I amthe Lordyour God; fearnot the godsof the Amorites, in whose landye dwell: but ye have not obeyedmy voice.
11 And there camean angelof the Lord, and satunder an oak which wasin Ophrah, that pertainedunto Joashthe Abi–ezrite: and his sonGideonthreshedwheatby the winepress, to hideitfromthe Midianites.nGideon: Gr. Gedeonnto hide…: Heb. to cause it to flee12 And the angelof the Lordappearedunto him, and saidunto him, The Lordiswith thee, thou mightyman of valour.13 And Gideonsaidunto him, Ohmy Lord, ifthe Lordbe with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where beall his miracleswhich our fatherstoldus of, saying, Did not the Lordbring us upfrom Egypt? but now the Lordhath forsakenus, and deliveredus into the handsof the Midianites.14 And the Lordlookedupon him, and said, Goin this thy might, and thou shalt saveIsraelfrom the handof the Midianites: have not I sent thee?15 And he saidunto him, Ohmy Lord, wherewithshall I saveIsrael? behold, my familyispoorin Manasseh, and I amthe leastin my father'shouse.nmy family…: Heb. my thousand is the meanest16 And the Lordsaidunto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smitethe Midianitesas oneman.17 And he saidunto him, If now I have foundgracein thy sight, then shewme a signthat thou talkest with me.18 Departnot hence, I pray thee, until I comeunto thee, and bring forthmy present, and setitbeforethee. And he said, I will tarryuntil thou come again.npresent: or, meat offering
19 And Gideonwent in, and made readya kid, and unleavened cakesof an ephahof flour: the fleshhe putin a basket, and he putthe brothin a pot, and brought itoutunto him under the oak, and presentedit.na kid: Heb. a kid of the goats20 And the angelof Godsaidunto him, Takethe fleshand the unleavened cakes, and laythemupon thisrock, and pour outthe broth. And he did so.
21 Then the angelof the Lordput forththe endof the staff that wasin his hand, and touchedthe fleshand the unleavened cakes; and there rose upfireout of the rock, and consumedthe fleshand the unleavened cakes. Then the angelof the Lorddepartedout of his sight.22 And when Gideonperceived that he wasan angelof the Lord, Gideonsaid, Alas, O LordGod! for becauseI have seenan angelof the Lordfaceto face.23 And the Lordsaidunto him, Peacebeunto thee; fearnot: thou shalt not die.24 Then Gideonbuiltan altarthere unto the Lord, and calledit Jehovah–shalom: unto this day it isyet in Ophrahof the Abi–ezrites.nJehovah–shalom: that is, The Lord send peace
25 And it came to pass the same night, that the Lordsaidunto him, Takethy father'syoungbullock, even the secondbullockof sevenyears old, and throw downthe altarof Baalthat thy fatherhath, and cut downthe grove that is by it:neven: or, and26 And buildan altarunto the Lordthy Godupon the topof this rock, in the ordered place, and takethe secondbullock, and offera burnt sacrificewith the woodof the grovewhich thou shalt cut down.nrock: Heb. strong placenin the ordered…: or, in an orderly manner27 Then Gideontooktenmenof his servants, and didas the Lordhad said unto him: and soit was, because he fearedhis father'shousehold, and the menof the city, that he could not doitby day, that he diditby night.
28 And when the menof the cityarose earlyin the morning, behold, the altarof Baalwas cast down, and the grovewas cut down that wasby it, and the secondbullockwas offeredupon the altarthat wasbuilt.29 And they saidoneto another, Who hath donethis thing? And when they enquiredand asked, they said, Gideonthe sonof Joashhath donethis thing.30 Then the menof the citysaidunto Joash, Bring outthy son, that he may die: because he hath cast downthe altarof Baal, and because he hath cut downthe grove that was by it.31 And Joashsaidunto all that stoodagainst him, Will ye pleadfor Baal? will ye savehim? he that will pleadfor him, let him be put to death whilst it is yetmorning: if he bea god, let him plead for himself, because onehath cast downhis altar.32 Therefore on that dayhe calledhim Jerubbaal, saying, Let Baalpleadagainst him, because he hath thrown downhis altar.nJerubbaal: that is, Let Baal pleadnJerubbesheth: that is, Let the shameful thing plead
33 Then all the Midianitesand the Amalekitesand the childrenof the eastwere gatheredtogether, and went over, and pitchedin the valleyof Jezreel.34 But the Spiritof the Lordcameupon Gideon, and he blewa trumpet; and Abi–ezerwas gatheredafter him.ncame…: Heb. clothedngathered: Heb. called35 And he sentmessengersthroughout all Manasseh; who also was gatheredafterhim: and he sentmessengersunto Asher, and unto Zebulun, and unto Naphtali; and they came upto meet them.ngathered: Heb. called
36 And Gideonsaidunto God, If thou wiltsaveIsraelby mine hand, as thou hast said,37 Behold, I will puta fleeceof woolin the floor; andif the dewbe on the fleece only, and it bedryupon all the earthbeside, then shall I knowthat thou wilt saveIsraelby mine hand, as thou hast said.38 And it was so: for he rose up earlyon the morrow, and thrustthe fleecetogether, and wringedthe dewout of the fleece, a bowlfullof water.39 And Gideonsaidunto God, Let not thine angerbe hotagainst me, and I will speakbut this once: let me prove, I pray thee, but this oncewith the fleece; let it now be dryonly upon the fleece, and upon all the groundlet there be dew.40 And Goddidso that night: for it was dryupon the fleeceonly, and there was dewon all the ground.