1 And Samsonwent downto Timnath, and sawa womanin Timnathof the daughtersof the Philistines.2 And he came up, and toldhis fatherand his mother, and said, I have seena womanin Timnathof the daughtersof the Philistines: now therefore gether for me to wife.3 Then his fatherand his mothersaid unto him, Is therenevera womanamong the daughtersof thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goestto takea wifeof the uncircumcisedPhilistines? And Samsonsaidunto his father, Gether for me; for she pleaseth me well.npleaseth…: Heb. is right in mine eyes4 But his fatherand his motherknew not that it wasof the Lord, that he soughtan occasionagainst the Philistines: for at that timethe Philistineshad dominionover Israel.
5 Then wentSamsondown, and his fatherand his mother, to Timnath, and cameto the vineyardsof Timnath: and, behold, a younglionroaredagainst him.nagainst…: Heb. in meeting him6 And the Spiritof the Lordcame mightilyupon him, and he renthim as he would have renta kid, and he hadnothingin his hand: but he toldnot his fatheror his motherwhat he had done.7 And he went down, and talkedwith the woman; and she pleasedSamsonwell.
8 And after a timehe returnedto takeher, and he turned asideto seethe carcaseof the lion: and, behold, there wasa swarmof beesand honeyin the carcaseof the lion.9 And he tookthereof in his hands, and went oneating, and cameto his fatherand mother, and he gavethem, and they did eat: but he toldnot them that he had takenthe honeyout of the carcaseof the lion.
10 So his fatherwent downunto the woman: and Samsonmadethere a feast; for so used the young mento do.11 And it came to pass, when they sawhim, that they broughtthirtycompanions to be with him.
12 And Samsonsaidunto them, I will now put fortha riddleunto you: if ye can certainlydeclareit me within the sevendaysof the feast, and find itout, then I will giveyou thirtysheetsand thirtychangeof garments:nsheets: or, shirts13 But if ye cannotdeclareitme, then shall ye giveme thirtysheetsand thirtychangeof garments. And they saidunto him, Put forththy riddle, that we may hear it.nsheets: or, shirts14 And he saidunto them, Out of the eatercame forthmeat, and out of the strongcame forthsweetness. And they couldnot in threedaysexpoundthe riddle.15 And it came to pass on the seventhday, that they saidunto Samson'swife, Enticethy husband, that he may declareunto us the riddle, lest we burnthee and thy father'shousewith fire: have ye calledus to take that we have? is it not so?ntake…: Heb. possess us, or, impoverish us?16 And Samson'swifeweptbefore him, and said, Thou dost but hateme, and lovestme not: thou hast put fortha riddleunto the childrenof my people, and hast not tolditme. And he saidunto her, Behold, I have not tolditmy fathernor my mother, and shall I tellit thee?17 And she weptbefore him the sevendays, while their feastlasted: and it came to pass on the seventhday, that he toldher, because she lay soreupon him: and she toldthe riddleto the childrenof her people.nthe seven…: or, the rest of the seven days18 And the menof the citysaidunto him on the seventhdaybefore the sunwent down, What issweeterthan honey? and what isstrongerthan a lion? And he saidunto them, Ifye had not plowedwith my heifer, ye had not found outmy riddle.
19 And the Spiritof the Lordcameupon him, and he went downto Ashkelon, and slewthirtymenof them, and tooktheir spoil, and gavechangeof garments unto them which expoundedthe riddle. And his angerwas kindled, and he went upto his father'shouse.nspoil: or, apparel20 But Samson'swife was givento his companion, whom he had used as his friend.