1 Moreover the LordansweredJob, and said,2 Shall he that contendethwith the Almightyinstructhim? he that reprovethGod, let him answer it.
3 Then Jobansweredthe Lord, and said,4 Behold, I am vile; what shall I answerthee? I will laymine handuponmy mouth.5 Oncehave I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further.
6 Then answeredthe Lordunto Jobout of the whirlwind, and said,7 Gird upthy loinsnow like a man: I will demandof thee, and declare thou unto me.8 Wilt thou also disannulmy judgment? wilt thou condemnme, that thou mayest be righteous?9 Hast thou an armlike God? or canst thou thunderwith a voice like him?10 Deck thyself now withmajestyand excellency; and arraythyself with gloryand beauty.11 Cast abroadthe rageof thy wrath: and behold every one that isproud, and abase him.12 Look on every one that isproud, andbring him low; and tread downthe wicked in their place.13 Hidethem in the dusttogether; andbindtheir facesin secret.14 Then will I also confessunto thee that thine own right handcan save thee.
15 Behold now behemoth, which I madewith thee; he eatethgrassas an ox.nbehemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind16 Lo now, his strengthisin his loins, and his forceisin the navelof his belly.17 He movethhis taillike a cedar: the sinewsof his stonesare wrapped together.nHe…: or, He setteth up18 His bonesare asstrongpieces of brass; his bonesarelike barsof iron.19 He isthe chiefof the waysof God: he that madehim can makehis swordto approachunto him.20 Surely the mountainsbring him forthfood, where all the beastsof the fieldplay.21 He liethunder the shady trees, in the covertof the reed, and fens.22 The shady treescover him withtheir shadow; the willowsof the brookcompass him about.23 Behold, he drinketh upa river, andhastethnot: he trusteththat he can draw upJordaninto his mouth.nhe drinketh up: Heb. he oppresseth24 He takethit with his eyes: hisnosepierceth throughsnares.nHe…: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his nose with a gin?