1 Afterthis openedJobhis mouth, and cursedhis day.2 And Jobspake, and said,nspake: Heb. answered3 Let the dayperishwherein I was born, and the nightin whichit was said, There is a man childconceived.4 Let that daybe darkness; let not Godregardit from above, neither let the lightshine upon it.5 Let darknessand the shadow of deathstainit; let a clouddwellupon it; let the blacknessof the dayterrify it.nstain: or, challengenlet the…: or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day6 As forthat night, let darknessseizeupon it; let it not be joinedunto the daysof the year, let it not comeinto the numberof the months.nlet it not be…: or, let it not rejoice among the days7 Lo, let that nightbe solitary, let no joyful voicecome therein.8 Let them curseit that cursethe day, who are readyto raise uptheir mourning.ntheir…: or, leviathan9 Let the starsof the twilightthereof be dark; let it lookfor light, but havenone; neither let it seethe dawningof the day:nthe dawning…: Heb. the eyelids of the morning10 Because it shut not upthe doors of my mother'swomb, nor hidsorrowfrom mine eyes.11 Why diedI not from the womb? why did I notgive up the ghostwhen I came outof the belly?12 Why did the kneespreventme? or why the breaststhat I should suck?13 For now should I have lain stilland been quiet, I should have slept: then had I been at rest,14 With kingsand counsellorsof the earth, which builtdesolate places for themselves;15 Or with princesthat had gold, who filledtheir houseswith silver:16 Or as an hiddenuntimely birthI had not been; as infantswhichnever sawlight.17 There the wickedceasefromtroubling; and there the wearybe at rest.nweary: Heb. wearied in strength18 Therethe prisonersresttogether; they hearnot the voiceof the oppressor.19 The smalland greatare there; and the servantisfreefrom his master.20 Wherefore is lightgivento him that is in misery, and lifeunto the bitterinsoul;21 Which longfor death, but it comethnot; and digfor it more than for hid treasures;nlong: Heb. wait22 Which rejoiceexceedingly, andare glad, when they can findthe grave?23 Why is light givento a manwhose wayis hid, and whom Godhath hedged in?24 For my sighingcomethbeforeI eat, and my roaringsare poured outlike the waters.nI eat: Heb. my meat25 For the thing which I greatlyfearedis comeupon me, and that which I was afraidof is come unto me.nthe thing…: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me26 I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet troublecame.