1 Then Eliphazthe Temaniteansweredand said,2 Can a manbe profitableunto God, ashe that is wisemay be profitable unto himself?nas he…: or, if he may be profitable, doth his good success depend thereon?3 Is itany pleasureto the Almighty, that thou art righteous? or is itgainto him, that thou makest thy waysperfect?4 Will he reprovethee for fearof thee? will he enterwith thee into judgment?5 Isnot thy wickednessgreat? and thine iniquitiesinfinite?6 For thou hast taken a pledgefrom thy brotherfor nought, and strippedthe nakedof their clothing.nthe naked…: Heb. the clothes of the naked7 Thou hast not given waterto the wearyto drink, and thou hast withholdenbreadfrom the hungry.8 But as forthe mightyman, he had the earth; and the honourable mandwelt in it.nmighty…: Heb. man of armnhonourable…: Heb. eminent, or, accepted for countenance9 Thou hast sentwidowsaway empty, and the armsof the fatherlesshave been broken.10 Therefore snaresareround aboutthee, and suddenfeartroubleth thee;11 Or darkness, thatthou canst not see; and abundanceof waterscover thee.12 Isnot Godin the heightof heaven? and beholdthe heightof the stars, how high they are!nheight of the stars: Heb. head of the stars13 And thou sayest, How doth Godknow? can he judgethrough the dark cloud?nHow: or, What14 Thick cloudsarea coveringto him, that he seethnot; and he walkethin the circuitof heaven.15 Hast thou markedthe oldwaywhich wickedmenhave trodden?16 Which were cut downout of time, whose foundationwas overflownwith a flood:nwhose…: Heb. a flood was poured upon their foundation17 Which saidunto God, Departfrom us: and what can the Almightydo for them?nfor: or, to18 Yet he filledtheir houseswith goodthings: but the counselof the wickedis far from me.19 The righteousseeit, and are glad: and the innocentlaugh them to scorn.20 Whereasour substanceis not cut down, but the remnantof them the fireconsumeth.nsubstance: or, estatenthe remnant…: or, their excellency21 Acquaintnow thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby goodshall come unto thee.nhim: that is, God22 Receive, I pray thee, the lawfrom his mouth, and lay uphis wordsin thine heart.23 If thou returnto the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put awayiniquityfarfrom thy tabernacles.24 Then shalt thou lay upgoldasdust, and the goldof Ophiras the stonesof the brooks.nas dust: or, on the dust25 Yea, the Almightyshall be thy defence, and thou shalt have plentyof silver.ndefence: or, goldnplenty…: Heb. silver of strength26 For then shalt thou have thy delightin the Almighty, and shalt lift upthy faceunto God.27 Thou shalt make thy prayerunto him, and he shall hearthee, and thou shalt paythy vows.28 Thou shalt also decreea thing, and it shall be establishedunto thee: and the lightshall shineupon thy ways.29 When menare cast down, then thou shalt say, There islifting up; and he shall savethe humbleperson.nthe humble…: Heb. him that hath low eyes30 He shall deliverthe islandof the innocent: and it is deliveredby the purenessof thine hands.nHe shall…: or, The innocent shall deliver the island