1 Thus saiththe Lordto his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right handI have holden, to subduenationsbeforehim; and I will loosethe loinsof kings, to openbeforehim the two leaved gates; and the gatesshall not be shut;nhave…: or, strengthened2 I will gobeforethee, and makethe crooked placesstraight: I will break in piecesthe gatesof brass, and cut in sunderthe barsof iron:3 And I will givethee the treasuresof darkness, and hidden richesof secret places, that thou mayest knowthat I, the Lord, which calltheeby thy name, amthe Godof Israel.4 For Jacobmy servant'ssake, and Israelmine elect, I have even calledthee by thy name: I have surnamedthee, though thou hast not known me.
5 I amthe Lord, and there is none else, there isno Godbesideme: I girdedthee, though thou hast not known me:6 That they may knowfrom the risingof the sun, and from the west, that there isnonebeside me. I amthe Lord, and there is none else.7 I formthe light, and createdarkness: I makepeace, and createevil: I the Lorddo all these things.8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skiespour downrighteousness: let the earthopen, and let them bring forthsalvation, and let righteousnessspring uptogether; I the Lordhave created it.9 Woeunto him that strivethwith his Maker! Letthe potsherdstrivewith the potsherdsof the earth. Shall the claysayto him that fashionethit, What makestthou? or thy work, He hath no hands?10 Woeunto him that saith unto hisfather, What begettestthou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?11 Thus saiththe Lord, the Holy Oneof Israel, and his Maker, Askme of things to comeconcerning my sons, and concerning the workof my handscommand ye me.12 I have madethe earth, and createdman upon it: I, evenmy hands, have stretched outthe heavens, and all their hosthave I commanded.13 I have raised him upin righteousness, and I will directall his ways: he shall buildmy city, and he shall let gomy captives, not for pricenor reward, saiththe Lordof hosts.ndirect: or, make straight14 Thus saiththe Lord, The labourof Egypt, and merchandiseof Ethiopiaand of the Sabeans, menof stature, shall come overunto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall comeafterthee; in chainsthey shall come over, and they shall fall downunto thee, they shall make supplication unto thee, saying, Surely Godis in thee; and there is none else, there isnoGod.15 Verily thou arta Godthat hidestthyself, O Godof Israel, the Saviour.16 They shall be ashamed, and also confounded, all of them: they shall goto confusiontogetherthat aremakersof idols.17 ButIsraelshall be savedin the Lordwith an everlastingsalvation: ye shall not be ashamednor confoundedworldwithout end.18 For thus saiththe Lordthat createdthe heavens; Godhimself that formedthe earthand madeit; he hath establishedit, he createdit not in vain, he formedit to be inhabited: I amthe Lord; and there is none else.19 I have not spokenin secret, in a darkplaceof the earth: I saidnot unto the seedof Jacob, Seekye me in vain: I the Lordspeakrighteousness, I declarethings that are right.
20 Assembleyourselves and come; draw neartogether, ye that areescapedof the nations: they have no knowledgethat set upthe woodof their graven image, and prayunto a godthatcannot save.21 Tell ye, and bring themnear; yea, let them take counseltogether: who hath declaredthis from ancient time? whohath told it from that time? havenot I the Lord? and there isno Godelse besideme; a justGodand a Saviour; there isnonebeside me.22 Lookunto me, and be ye saved, all the endsof the earth: for I amGod, and there is none else.23 I have swornby myself, the wordis gone outof my mouthinrighteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every kneeshall bow, every tongueshall swear.24 Surely, shall onesay, in the Lordhave I righteousnessand strength: even to him shall mencome; and all that are incensedagainst him shall be ashamed.nSurely…: or, Surely he shall say of me, In the Lord is all righteousness and strengthnrighteousness: Heb. righteousnesses25 In the Lordshall all the seedof Israelbe justified, and shall glory.