1 Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earthhear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.nall that…: Heb. the fulness thereof2 For the indignationof the Lordisupon all nations, and hisfuryupon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyedthem, he hath deliveredthem to the slaughter.3 Their slainalso shall be cast out, and their stinkshall come upout of their carcases, and the mountainsshall be meltedwith their blood.4 And all the hostof heavenshall be dissolved, and the heavensshall be rolled togetheras a scroll: and all their hostshall fall down, as the leaffalleth offfrom the vine, and as a fallingfigfrom the fig tree.5 For my swordshall be bathedin heaven: behold, it shall come downupon Idumea, and upon the peopleof my curse, to judgment.6 The swordof the Lordis filledwith blood, it is made fatwith fatness, andwith the bloodof lambsand goats, with the fatof the kidneysof rams: for the Lordhath a sacrificein Bozrah, and a greatslaughterin the landof Idumea.7 And the unicornsshall come downwith them, and the bullockswith the bulls; and their landshall be soakedwith blood, and their dustmade fatwith fatness.nunicorns: or, rhinocerotsnsoaked: or, drunken8 For it isthe dayof the Lord'svengeance, andthe yearof recompencesfor the controversyof Zion.9 And the streamsthereof shall be turnedinto pitch, and the dustthereof into brimstone, and the landthereof shall become burningpitch.10 It shall not be quenchednightnor day; the smokethereof shall go upfor ever: from generationto generationit shall lie waste; none shall pass throughit for everand ever.
11 But the cormorantand the bitternshall possessit; the owlalso and the ravenshall dwellin it: and he shall stretch outupon it the lineof confusion, and the stonesof emptiness.ncormorant: or, pelican12 They shall callthe noblesthereof to the kingdom, but none shall bethere, and all her princesshall be nothing.13 And thornsshall come upin her palaces, nettlesand bramblesin the fortressesthereof: and it shall be an habitationof dragons, anda courtfor owls.nowls: or, ostriches: Heb. daughters of the owl14 The wild beasts of the desertshall also meetwith the wild beasts of the island, and the satyrshall cryto his fellow; the screech owlalso shall restthere, and findfor herself a place of rest.nThe wild beasts of the desert: Heb. Ziimnthe wild beasts of the island: Heb. Ijimnscreech…: or, night monster15 There shall the great owlmake her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gatherunder her shadow: there shall the vulturesalso be gathered, every onewith her mate.
16 Seek ye outof the bookof the Lord, and read: no oneof theseshall fail, noneshall wanther mate: for my mouthit hath commanded, and his spiritit hath gathered them.17 And he hath castthe lotfor them, and his handhath dividedit unto them by line: they shall possessit forever, from generationto generationshall they dwell therein.