1 And in that daythou shalt say, O Lord, I will praisethee: though thou wast angrywith me, thine angeris turned away, and thou comfortedst me.2 Behold, Godismy salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LordJehovahismy strength and mysong; he also is become my salvation.3 Therefore with joyshall ye drawwaterout of the wellsof salvation.4 And in that dayshall ye say, Praisethe Lord, callupon his name, declarehis doingsamong the people, make mentionthat his nameis exalted.ncall…: or, proclaim5 Singunto the Lord; for he hath doneexcellent things: this isknownin all the earth.6 Cry outand shout, thou inhabitantof Zion: for greatisthe Holy Oneof Israelin the midst of thee.ninhabitant: Heb. inhabitress