1 A prayerof Habakkukthe prophetupon Shigionoth.nupon…: or, according to variable songs, or, tunes, called in Hebrew, Shigionoth2 O Lord, I have heardthy speech, andwas afraid: O Lord, revivethy workin the midstof the years, in the midstof the yearsmake known; in wrathremembermercy.nspeech: Heb. report, or, hearingnrevive: or, preserve alive3 Godcamefrom Teman, and the Holy Onefrom mountParan. Selah. His glorycoveredthe heavens, and the earthwas fullof his praise.nTeman: or, the south4 And hisbrightnesswas as the light; he had hornscomingout of his hand: and there wasthe hidingof his power.nhorns…: or, bright beams out of his side5 Beforehim wentthe pestilence, and burning coalswent forthat his feet.ncoals: or, diseases6 He stood, and measuredthe earth: he beheld, and drove asunderthe nations; and the everlastingmountainswere scattered, the perpetualhillsdid bow: his waysareeverlasting.7 I sawthe tentsof Cushanin affliction: andthe curtainsof the landof Midiandid tremble.nCushan: or, Ethiopianin…: or, under affliction, or, vanity8 Was the Lorddispleasedagainst the rivers? wasthine angeragainst the rivers? wasthy wrathagainst the sea, that thou didst rideupon thine horsesandthy chariotsof salvation?nof…: or, were salvation?9 Thy bowwas made quitenaked, accordingto the oathsof the tribes, even thyword. Selah. Thou didst cleavethe earthwith rivers.nearth…: or, rivers of the earth10 The mountainssaw thee, andthey trembled: the overflowingof the waterpassed by: the deeputteredhis voice, andlifted uphis handson high.11 The sunandmoonstood stillin their habitation: at the lightof thine arrowsthey went, andat the shiningof thy glitteringspear.nat the light…: or, thine arrows walked in the light12 Thou didst march throughthe landin indignation, thou didst threshthe heathenin anger.13 Thou wentest forthfor the salvationof thy people, evenfor salvationwith thine anointed; thou woundedstthe headout of the houseof the wicked, by discoveringthe foundationunto the neck. Selah.nby…: Heb. making naked14 Thou didst strike throughwith his stavesthe headof his villages: they came out as a whirlwindto scatterme: their rejoicingwasas to devourthe poorsecretly.ncame…: Heb. were tempestuous15 Thou didst walkthrough the seawith thine horses, throughthe heapof greatwaters.nheap: or, mud16 When I heard, my bellytrembled; my lipsquiveredat the voice: rottennessenteredinto my bones, and I trembledin myself, that I might restin the dayof trouble: when he cometh upunto the people, he will invade them with his troops.ninvade…: or, cut them in pieces
17 Although the fig treeshall not blossom, neither shallfruitbein the vines; the labourof the oliveshall fail, and the fieldsshall yieldno meat; the flockshall be cut offfrom the fold, and there shall beno herdin the stalls:nfail: Heb. lie18 Yet I will rejoicein the Lord, I will joyin the Godof my salvation.19 The LordGodismy strength, and he will makemy feetlike hinds'feet, and he will make me to walkupon mine high places. To the chief singeron my stringed instruments.nchief…: or, overseernstringed…: Heb. Neginoth