1 Let usthereforefear, lest, a promisebeing leftusof enteringintohisrest, anyofyoushould seemto come short of it.2 Foruntous wasthe gospel preached, as well as unto them: butthe wordpreacheddidnotprofitthem, notbeing mixed withfaithin them that heardit. 3 Forwewhich have believeddo enterintorest, ashe said, AsI have sworninmywrath, ifthey shall enterintomyrest: althoughthe workswere finishedfromthe foundationof the world.4 Forhe spakein a certain placeofthe seventhdayon this wise, AndGoddid resttheseventhdayfromallhisworks.5 Andinthisplaceagain, Ifthey shall enterintomyrest.6 Seeingthereforeit remaineththat somemust entertherein, andthey to whom it wasfirstpreachedenterednotinbecause ofunbelief:7 Again, he limitetha certainday, sayinginDavid, To day, afterso longa time; asit is said, To dayifye will hearhisvoice, hardennotyourhearts.8 ForifJesushad giventhemrest, thenwould henotafterwardhave spokenofanotherday.9 There remaineththereforea restto the peopleof God.10 Forhe that is enteredintohisrest, healsohath ceasedfromhis ownworks, asGoddidfromhis.11 Let us labourthereforeto enterintothatrest, lestany manfallafterthe sameexampleof unbelief.12 Forthe wordof Godisquick, andpowerful, andsharperthananytwoedgedsword, piercingeventothe dividing asunderof soulandspirit, andof the jointsandmarrow, andisa discernerof the thoughtsandintentsof the heart.13 Neitheris thereany creaturethat is not manifestinhissight: butall thingsarenakedandopenedunto the eyesof himwithwhomwe haveto do.14 Seeing thenthat we haveagreathigh priest, that is passed intothe heavens, Jesusthe Sonof God, let us hold fastourprofession.15 Forwe havenotan high priest whichcannotbe touched with the feeling ofourinfirmities; butwasinall pointstemptedlike aswe are, yetwithoutsin.16 Let usthereforecomeboldlyunto the throneof grace, thatwe may obtainmercy, andfindgracetohelpin time of need.