1 Whereforeseeingwealsoare compassed about withso greata cloudof witnesses, let us lay asideeveryweight, andthe sinwhich doth so easily besetus, and let us runwithpatiencethe racethat is set beforeus,2 LookinguntoJesusthe authorandfinisherofourfaith; whoforthe joythat was set beforehimenduredthe cross, despisingthe shame, andis set downatthe right handof the throneof God.3 Forconsiderhim that enduredsuchcontradictionofsinnersagainsthimself, lestye be weariedand faintinyourminds.4 Ye havenot yetresisteduntoblood, strivingagainstsin.5 Andye have forgottenthe exhortationwhichspeakethunto youasunto children, Myson, despisenotthouthe chasteningof the Lord, norfaintwhen thou art rebukedofhim:6 Forwhomthe Lordlovethhe chasteneth, andscourgetheverysonwhomhe receiveth.7 Ifye endurechastening, Goddealethwith youaswith sons; forwhatsonis hewhomthe fatherchastenethnot?8 Butifye bewithoutchastisement, whereofallarepartakers, thenare yebastards, andnotsons.9 Furthermorewe have hadfathersofourfleshwhich correctedus, andwe gavethemreverence: shall wenotmuchratherbe in subjection untothe Fatherof spirits, andlive?10 Fortheyverilyfora fewdayschastenedusaftertheir ownpleasure; butheforourprofit, thatwemight be partakersofhisholiness.11 Nownochasteningforthe presentseemethto bejoyous, butgrievous: neverthelessafterwardit yieldeththepeaceablefruitof righteousnessunto them which are exercisedthereby.12 Whereforelift upthe handswhich hang down, andthefeebleknees;13 Andmakestraightpathsforyourfeet, lestthat which is lamebe turned out of the way; butlet itratherbe healed.14 Followpeacewithallmen, andholiness, withoutwhichno manshall seethe Lord:15 Looking diligentlylestany manfailofthe graceof God; lestanyrootof bitternessspringinguptroubleyou, andtherebymanybe defiled;16 Lest therebeanyfornicator, orprofane person, asEsau, whoforonemorsel of meatsoldhisbirthright.17 Forye knowhow thatafterward, when he would haveinheritedthe blessing, he was rejected: forhe foundnoplaceof repentance, thoughhe soughtitcarefullywithtears.18 Forye arenotcome untothe mountthat might be touched, andthat burnedwith fire, norunto blackness, anddarkness, andtempest,19 Andthe soundof a trumpet, andthe voiceof words; whichvoicethey that heardintreatedthatthe wordshouldnotbe spokento them any more:20 (Forthey couldnotendurethat which was commanded, And if so much asa beasttouchthe mountain, it shall be stoned, orthrust throughwith a dart:21 Andsoterriblewasthe sight, thatMosessaid, Iexceedingly fearandquake:)22 Butye are comeunto mountSion, andunto the cityof thelivingGod, theheavenlyJerusalem, andto an innumerable companyof angels,23 To the general assemblyandchurchof the firstborn, which are writteninheaven, andto Godthe Judgeof all, andto the spiritsof just menmade perfect,24 Andto Jesusthe mediatorof thenewcovenant, andto the bloodof sprinkling, that speakethbetter thingsthanthat ofAbel.25 Seethatyerefusenothim that speaketh. Foriftheyescapednotwho refusedhim that spakeonearth, muchmoreshall notweescape, if we turn away fromhim thatspeakethfromheaven:26 Whosevoicethenshookthe earth: butnowhe hath promised, saying, YetoncemoreIshakenotthe earthonly, butalsoheaven.27 Andthisword, Yetoncemore, signifieththe removingof those things that are shaken, asof things that are made, thatthose things whichcannotbe shakenmay remain.28 Whereforewe receivinga kingdomwhich cannot be moved, let us havegrace, wherebywe may serveGodacceptablywithreverenceandgodly fear:29 ForourGodisaconsumingfire.