1 Thisisthe bookof the generationsof Adam. In the daythat Godcreatedman, in the likenessof Godmade he him;2 Maleand femalecreatedhe them; and blessedthem, and calledtheir nameAdam, in the daywhen they were created.
3 And Adamlivedan hundredand thirtyyears, and begata sonin his own likeness, after his image; and calledhis nameSeth:4 And the daysof Adamafterhe had begottenSethwere eighthundredyears: and he begatsonsand daughters:5 And all the daysthat Adamlivedwere ninehundredand thirtyyears: and he died.6 And Sethlivedan hundredand fiveyears, and begatEnos:nEnos: Heb. Enosh7 And Sethlivedafterhe begatEnoseighthundredand sevenyears, and begatsonsand daughters:8 And all the daysof Sethwere ninehundredand twelveyears: and he died.
9 And Enoslivedninetyyears, and begatCainan:nCainan: Heb. Kenan10 And Enoslivedafterhe begatCainaneighthundredand fifteenyears, and begatsonsand daughters:11 And all the daysof Enoswere ninehundredand fiveyears: and he died.
12 And Cainanlivedseventyyears, and begatMahalaleel:nMahalaleel: Gr. Maleleel13 And Cainanlivedafterhe begatMahalaleeleighthundredand fortyyears, and begatsonsand daughters:14 And all the daysof Cainanwere ninehundredand tenyears: and he died.
15 And Mahalaleellivedsixtyand fiveyears, and begatJared:nJared: Heb. Jered16 And Mahalaleellivedafterhe begatJaredeighthundredand thirtyyears, and begatsonsand daughters:17 And all the daysof Mahalaleelwere eighthundredninetyand fiveyears: and he died.
18 And Jaredlivedan hundredsixtyand twoyears, and he begatEnoch:19 And Jaredlivedafterhe begatEnocheighthundredyears, and begatsonsand daughters:20 And all the daysof Jaredwere ninehundredsixtyand twoyears: and he died.
21 And Enochlivedsixtyand fiveyears, and begatMethuselah:nMethuselah: Gr. Mathusala22 And EnochwalkedwithGodafterhe begatMethuselahthreehundredyears, and begatsonsand daughters:23 And all the daysof Enochwere threehundredsixtyand fiveyears:24 And Enochwalkedwith God: and he wasnot; for Godtook him.25 And Methuselahlivedan hundredeightyand sevenyears, and begatLamech:26 And Methuselahlivedafterhe begatLamechsevenhundredeightyand twoyears, and begatsonsand daughters:nLamech: Heb. Lemech27 And all the daysof Methuselahwere ninehundredsixtyand nineyears: and he died.
28 And Lamechlivedan hundredeightyand twoyears, and begata son:29 And he calledhis nameNoah, saying, This sameshall comfortus concerning our workand toilof our hands, becauseof the groundwhich the Lordhath cursed.nNoah: Gr. Noe: that is Rest, or, Comfort30 And Lamechlivedafterhe begatNoahfivehundredninetyand fiveyears, and begatsonsand daughters:31 And all the daysof Lamechwere sevenhundredseventyand sevenyears: and he died.32 And Noahwas fivehundredyearsold: and NoahbegatShem, Ham, and Japheth.