1 And Jacobwenton his way, and the angelsof Godmet him.2 And when Jacobsaw them, he said, This isGod'shost: and he calledthe nameof that placeMahanaim.nMahanaim: that is, Two hosts, or, camps3 And Jacobsentmessengersbefore himto Esauhis brotherunto the landof Seir, the countryof Edom.ncountry: Heb. field4 And he commandedthem, saying, Thus shall ye speakunto my lordEsau; Thy servantJacobsaiththus, I have sojournedwith Laban, and stayed there until now:5 And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sentto tellmy lord, that I may findgracein thy sight.
6 And the messengersreturnedto Jacob, saying, We cameto thy brotherEsau, and also he comethto meet thee, and four hundredmen with him.7 Then Jacobwas greatlyafraidand distressed: and he dividedthe people that waswith him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into twobands;8 And said, If Esaucometo the onecompany, and smite it, then the other companywhich is leftshall escape.
9 And Jacobsaid, O Godof my fatherAbraham, and Godof my fatherIsaac, the Lordwhich saidstunto me, Returnunto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee:10 I am not worthy of the leastof all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewedunto thy servant; for with my staffI passed overthis Jordan; and now I am become twobands.nI am not…: Heb. I am less than all11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the handof my brother, from the handof Esau: for I fearhim, lest he will comeand smite me, andthe motherwiththe children.nwith: Heb. upon12 And thou saidst, I will surelydo thee good, and makethy seedas the sandof the sea, which cannot be numberedfor multitude.
13 And he lodgedthere that same night; and tookof that which cameto his handa presentfor Esauhis brother;14 Two hundredshe goats, and twentyhe goats, two hundredewes, and twentyrams,15 Thirtymilchcamelswith their colts, fortykine, and tenbulls, twentyshe asses, and tenfoals.16 And he deliveredtheminto the handof his servants, every droveby themselves; and saidunto his servants, Pass overbefore me, and puta spacebetwixtdroveanddrove.17 And he commandedthe foremost, saying, When Esaumy brothermeeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose artthou? and whither goest thou? and whose arethese before thee?18 Then thou shalt say, They bethy servantJacob's; it isa presentsentunto my lordEsau: and, behold, also he isbehind us.19 And socommanded hethe second, and the third, and all that followedthe droves, saying, On this mannershall ye speakunto Esau, when ye find him.20 And say yemoreover, Behold, thy servantJacobisbehind us. For he said, I will appeasehimwith the presentthat goethbefore me, and afterwardI will seehis face; peradventure he will acceptof me.nof me: Heb. my face21 So wentthe presentoverbefore him: and himself lodgedthat nightin the company.22 And he rose upthat night, and tookhis twowives, and his twowomenservants, and his elevensons, and passed overthe fordJabbok.23 And he took them, and sent them overthe brook, and sent over that he had.nsent them: Heb. caused to pass
24 And Jacobwas leftalone; and there wrestleda manwith him until the breakingof the day.nbreaking…: Heb. ascending of the morning25 And when he sawthat he prevailednot against him, he touchedthe hollow of his thigh; and the hollowof Jacob'sthighwas out of joint, as he wrestled with him.26 And he said, Let me go, for the daybreaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, exceptthou bless me.27 And he said unto him, What isthy name? And he said, Jacob.28 And he said, Thy nameshall be calledno more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou powerwith Godand with men, and hast prevailed.nIsrael: that is, A prince of God29 And Jacobaskedhim, and said, Tellme, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore isitthatthou dost askafter my name? And he blessed him there.30 And Jacobcalledthe nameof the placePeniel: for I have seenGodfaceto face, and my lifeis preserved.nPeniel: that is, The face of God31 And as he passed overPenuelthe sunroseupon him, and he haltedupon his thigh.32 Therefore the childrenof Israeleat not ofthe sinewwhich shrank, which isupon the hollowof the thigh, unto this day: because he touchedthe hollowof Jacob'sthighin the sinewthat shrank.