1 And when Rachelsawthat she bareJacobno children, Rachelenviedher sister; and saidunto Jacob, Giveme children, or elseI die.2 And Jacob'sangerwas kindledagainst Rachel: and he said, AmI in God'sstead, who hath withheldfrom thee the fruitof the womb?3 And she said, Behold my maidBilhah, go inunto her; and she shall bearupon my knees, that I may also have children by her.nhave…: Heb. be built by her4 And she gavehim Bilhahher handmaidto wife: and Jacobwent in unto her.5 And Bilhahconceived, and bareJacoba son.6 And Rachelsaid, Godhath judgedme, and hath also heardmy voice, and hath givenme a son: therefore calledshe his nameDan.nDan: that is, Judging7 And BilhahRachel'smaidconceivedagain, and bareJacoba secondson.8 And Rachelsaid, With greatwrestlingshave I wrestledwith my sister, and I have prevailed: and she calledhis nameNaphtali.ngreat…: Heb. wrestlings of GodnNaphtali: that is, My wrestling: Gr. Nephthalim9 When Leahsawthat she had leftbearing, she tookZilpahher maid, and gaveher Jacobto wife.10 And ZilpahLeah'smaidbareJacoba son.11 And Leahsaid, A troopcometh: and she calledhis nameGad.nGad: that is, A troop, or, company12 And ZilpahLeah'smaidbareJacoba secondson.13 And Leahsaid, Happy am I, for the daughterswill call me blessed: and she calledhis nameAsher.nHappy…: Heb. In my happinessnAsher: that is, Happy
14 And Reubenwent inthe daysof wheatharvest, and foundmandrakesin the field, and broughtthem unto his motherLeah. Then Rachelsaidto Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son'smandrakes.15 And she said unto her, Is ita small matterthat thou hast takenmy husband? and wouldest thou take awaymy son'smandrakesalso? And Rachelsaid, Therefore he shall liewith thee to nightforthy son'smandrakes.16 And Jacobcameout of the fieldin the evening, and Leahwent outto meethim, and said, Thou must come inunto me; for surelyI have hiredthee with my son'smandrakes. And he laywith her that night.17 And Godhearkenedunto Leah, and she conceived, and bareJacobthe fifthson.18 And Leahsaid, Godhath givenme my hire, becauseI have givenmy maidento my husband: and she calledhis nameIssachar.nIssachar: that is, An hire19 And Leahconceivedagain, and bareJacobthe sixthson.20 And Leahsaid, Godhath endued me witha gooddowry; nowwill my husbanddwellwith me, because I have bornhim sixsons: and she calledhis nameZebulun.nZebulun: that is, Dwelling: Gr. Zabulon21 And afterwardsshe barea daughter, and calledher nameDinah.nDinah: that is Judgment
22 And GodrememberedRachel, and Godhearkenedto her, and openedher womb.23 And she conceived, and barea son; and said, Godhath taken awaymy reproach:24 And she calledhis nameJoseph; and said, The Lordshall addto me anotherson.nJoseph: that is, Adding
25 And it came to pass, when Rachelhad bornJoseph, that Jacobsaidunto Laban, Send me away, that I may gounto mine own place, and to my country.26 Givememy wivesand my children, forwhom I have servedthee, and let me go: for thou knowestmy servicewhich I have done thee.27 And Labansaidunto him, I pray thee, if I have foundfavourin thine eyes, tarry: forI have learned by experiencethat the Lordhath blessedme for thy sake.28 And he said, Appointme thy wages, and I will giveit.29 And he saidunto him, Thou knowesthowI have servedthee, and howthy cattle was with me.30 For it waslittlewhich thou hadst before Icame, and it is nowincreasedunto a multitude; and the Lordhath blessedthee since my coming: and now whenshall I providefor mine own house also?nincreased: Heb. broken forthnsince…: Heb. at my foot31 And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacobsaid, Thou shalt not giveme any thing: if thou wilt dothis thingfor me, I will againfeedandkeepthy flock:32 I will passthrough all thy flockto day, removingfrom thence all the speckledand spottedcattle, and all the browncattleamong the sheep, and the spottedand speckledamong the goats: and of suchshall be my hire.33 So shall my righteousnessanswerfor me in timeto come, when it shall comefor my hirebefore thy face: every one that isnot speckledand spottedamong the goats, and brownamong the sheep, that shall be counted stolen with me.nin time…: Heb. to morrow34 And Labansaid, Behold, I would it might beaccording to thy word.35 And he removedthat daythe he goatsthat were ringstrakedand spotted, and all the she goatsthat were speckledand spotted, and every one that had somewhitein it, and all the brownamong the sheep, and gavetheminto the handof his sons.36 And he setthreedays'journeybetwixt himself and Jacob: and Jacobfedthe restof Laban'sflocks.
37 And Jacobtookhim rodsof greenpoplar, and of the hazeland chesnut tree; and pilledwhitestrakesin them, and made the whiteappear which wasin the rods.38 And he setthe rodswhich he had pilledbeforethe flocksin the guttersin the wateringtroughswhen the flockscameto drink, that they should conceivewhen they cameto drink.39 And the flocksconceivedbefore the rods, and brought forthcattleringstraked, speckled, and spotted.40 And Jacobdid separatethe lambs, and setthe facesof the flockstowardthe ringstraked, and all the brownin the flockof Laban; and he puthis own flocksby themselves, and putthem not unto Laban'scattle.41 And it came to pass, whensoever the strongercattledid conceive, that Jacoblaidthe rodsbefore the eyesof the cattlein the gutters, that they might conceiveamong the rods.42 But when the cattlewere feeble, he put themnot in: so the feeblerwere Laban's, and the strongerJacob's.43 And the manincreasedexceedingly, and had muchcattle, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses.