1 And it came to pass, that when Isaacwas old, and his eyeswere dim, so that he could not see, he calledEsauhis eldestson, and saidunto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, here am I.2 And he said, Behold now, I am old, I knownot the dayof my death:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiverand thy bow, and go outto the field, and take me somevenison;ntake: Heb. hunt4 And makeme savoury meat, such asI love, and bringitto me, that I may eat; that my soulmay blessthee beforeI die.5 And Rebekahheardwhen Isaacspaketo Esauhis son. And Esauwentto the fieldto huntforvenison, andto bringit.
6 And Rebekahspakeunto Jacobher son, saying, Behold, I heardthy fatherspeakunto Esauthy brother, saying,7 Bringme venison, and makeme savoury meat, that I may eat, and blessthee beforethe Lordbeforemy death.8 Now therefore, my son, obeymy voiceaccording to that whichI command thee.9 Gonow to the flock, and fetchme from thence twogoodkidsof the goats; and I will makethem savoury meatfor thy father, such as he loveth:10 And thou shalt bringitto thy father, that he may eat, and thathe may blessthee beforehis death.11 And Jacobsaidto Rebekahhis mother, Behold, Esaumy brotherisa hairyman, and I ama smoothman:12 My fatherperadventure will feelme, and I shall seemto him as a deceiver; and I shall bringa curseupon me, and not a blessing.13 And his mothersaid unto him, Upon me bethy curse, my son: only obeymy voice, and gofetch me them.14 And he went, and fetched, and broughtthemto his mother: and his mothermadesavoury meat, such as his fatherloved.15 And Rebekahtookgoodlyraimentof her eldestsonEsau, which werewith her in the house, and put them uponJacobher youngerson:ngoodly: Heb. desirable16 And she putthe skinsof the kidsof the goatsupon his hands, and upon the smoothof his neck:17 And she gavethe savoury meatand the bread, which she had prepared, into the handof her sonJacob.
18 And he cameunto his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I; who artthou, my son?19 And Jacobsaidunto his father, I amEsauthy firstborn; I have doneaccording as thou badestme: arise, I pray thee, sitand eatof my venison, that thy soulmay bless me.20 And Isaacsaidunto his son, How is itthat thou hast founditso quickly, my son? And he said, Because the Lordthy Godbroughtitto me.nto me: Heb. before me21 And Isaacsaidunto Jacob, Come near, I pray thee, that I may feelthee, my son, whether thou bemy verysonEsau or not.22 And Jacobwent nearunto Isaachis father; and he felthim, and said, The voiceisJacob'svoice, but the handsarethe handsof Esau.23 And he discernedhim not, because his handswere hairy, as his brotherEsau'shands: so he blessed him.24 And he said, Artthou my very sonEsau? And he said, I am.25 And he said, Bring itnearto me, and I will eatof my son'svenison, that my soulmay bless thee. And he brought itnearto him, and he did eat: and he broughthim wine, and he drank.26 And his fatherIsaacsaidunto him, Come nearnow, and kissme, my son.27 And he came near, and kissedhim: and he smelledthe smellof his raiment, and blessedhim, and said, See, the smellof my sonisas the smellof a fieldwhich the Lordhath blessed:28 Therefore Godgivethee of the dewof heaven, and the fatnessof the earth, and plentyof cornand wine:29 Let peopleservethee, and nationsbow downto thee: belordover thy brethren, and let thy mother'ssonsbow downto thee: cursedbeevery one that curseththee, and blessedbehe that blesseth thee.
30 And it came to pass, as soon as Isaachad made an endof blessingJacob, and Jacobwas yetscarcegone outfrom the presenceof Isaachis father, that Esauhis brothercame infrom his hunting.31 And he also had madesavoury meat, and brought itunto his father, and saidunto his father, Let my fatherarise, and eatof his son'svenison, that thy soulmay bless me.32 And Isaachis fathersaid unto him, Who artthou? And he said, I amthy son, thy firstbornEsau.33 And Isaactrembledveryexceedingly, and said, Who? whereishe that hath takenvenison, and broughtitme, and I have eatenof all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, andhe shall be blessed.ntrembled…: Heb. trembled with a great trembling greatlyntaken: Heb. hunted34 And when Esauheardthe wordsof his father, he criedwith a greatand exceedingbittercry, and saidunto his father, Bless me, evenme also, O my father.35 And he said, Thy brothercamewith subtilty, and hath taken awaythy blessing.36 And he said, Is not he rightlynamedJacob? for he hath supplanted methesetwo times: he took awaymy birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken awaymy blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserveda blessing for me?nJacob: that is, A supplanter37 And Isaacansweredand saidunto Esau, Behold, I have madehim thy lord, and all his brethrenhave I givento him for servants; and with cornand winehave I sustainedhim: and what shall I donowunto thee, my son?nsustained: or, supported38 And Esausaidunto his father, Hast thou but oneblessing, my father? bless me, evenme also, O my father. And Esaulifted uphis voice, and wept.39 And Isaachis fatheransweredand saidunto him, Behold, thy dwellingshall be the fatnessof the earth, and of the dewof heavenfrom above;nthe fatness: or, of the fatness40 And by thy swordshalt thou live, and shalt servethy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt breakhis yokefrom off thy neck.
41 And EsauhatedJacobbecauseof the blessingwherewithhis fatherblessed him: and Esausaidin his heart, The daysof mourningfor my fatherare at hand; then will I slaymy brotherJacob.42 And these wordsof Esauher eldersonwere toldto Rebekah: and she sentand calledJacobher youngerson, and saidunto him, Behold, thy brotherEsau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposingto kill thee.43 Now therefore, my son, obeymy voice; and arise, fleethou to Labanmy brotherto Haran;44 And tarrywith him a fewdays, untilthy brother'sfuryturn away;45 Until thy brother'sangerturn awayfrom thee, and he forgetthatwhich thou hast doneto him: then I will send, and fetchthee from thence: whyshould I be deprivedalso of you bothin oneday?46 And Rebekahsaidto Isaac, I am wearyof my lifebecauseof the daughtersof Heth: if Jacobtakea wifeof the daughtersof Heth, such as these which areof the daughtersof the land, what goodshall my life do me?