1 And the LordvisitedSarahas he had said, and the Lorddidunto Sarahas he had spoken.2 For Sarahconceived, and bareAbrahama sonin his old age, at the set timeof which Godhad spoken to him.3 And Abrahamcalledthe nameof his sonthat was bornunto him, whom Sarahbareto him, Isaac.4 And Abrahamcircumcisedhis sonIsaacbeing eightdaysold, as Godhad commanded him.5 And Abrahamwas an hundredyearsold, when his sonIsaacwas born unto him.
6 And Sarahsaid, Godhath mademe to laugh, so thatall that hearwill laugh with me.7 And she said, Who would have saidunto Abraham, that Sarahshould have given childrensuck? for I have bornhima sonin his old age.8 And the childgrew, and was weaned: and Abrahammadea greatfeast the samedaythat Isaacwas weaned.
9 And Sarahsawthe sonof Hagarthe Egyptian, which she had bornunto Abraham, mocking.10 Wherefore she saidunto Abraham, Cast outthis bondwomanand her son: for the sonof this bondwomanshall not be heirwith my son, evenwith Isaac.11 And the thingwas verygrievousin Abraham'ssightbecauseof his son.
12 And Godsaidunto Abraham, Let it not be grievousin thy sightbecause of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarahhath saidunto thee, hearkenunto her voice; for in Isaacshall thy seedbe called.13 And also of the sonof the bondwomanwill I makea nation, because he isthy seed.14 And Abrahamrose up earlyin the morning, and tookbread, and a bottleof water, and gaveitunto Hagar, puttingiton her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wanderedin the wildernessof Beer–sheba.15 And the waterwas spentinthe bottle, and she castthe childunder oneof the shrubs.16 And she went, and sat her downover againsthima good way off, as it were a bowshot: for she said, Let me not seethe deathof the child. And she sat over against him, and lift upher voice, and wept.17 And Godheardthe voiceof the lad; and the angelof Godcalledto Hagarout of heaven, and saidunto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fearnot; for Godhath heardthe voiceof the lad where he is.18 Arise, lift upthe lad, and holdhim in thine hand; for I will makehim a greatnation.19 And Godopenedher eyes, and she sawa wellof water; and she went, and filledthe bottlewith water, and gavethe laddrink.20 And Godwas with the lad; and he grew, and dweltin the wilderness, and became an archer.21 And he dweltin the wildernessof Paran: and his mothertookhim a wifeout of the landof Egypt.
22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelechand Phicholthe chief captainof his hostspakeunto Abraham, saying, Godiswith thee in all that thou doest:23 Now therefore swearunto me hereby Godthat thou wilt not deal falselywith me, nor with my son, nor with my son's son: butaccording to the kindnessthat I have doneunto thee, thou shalt dounto me, and to the landwherein thou hast sojourned.nthat thou…: Heb. if thou shalt lie unto me24 And Abrahamsaid, I will swear.25 And AbrahamreprovedAbimelechbecauseof a wellof water, which Abimelech'sservantshad violently taken away.26 And Abimelechsaid, I wotnot who hath donethis thing: neitherdidst thou tellme, neitheryet heard I of it, butto day.27 And Abrahamtooksheepand oxen, and gavethem unto Abimelech; and both of themmadea covenant.28 And Abrahamsetsevenewe lambsof the flock by themselves.29 And Abimelechsaidunto Abraham, Whatmeanthese sevenewe lambswhich thou hast set by themselves?30 And he said, For thesesevenewe lambsshalt thou takeof my hand, thatthey may be a witnessunto me, that I have diggedthis well.31 Wherefore he calledthat placeBeer–sheba; because there they swareboth of them.nBeer–sheba: that is, The well of the oath32 Thus they madea covenantat Beer–sheba: then Abimelechrose up, and Phicholthe chief captainof his host, and they returnedinto the landof the Philistines.
33 And Abrahamplanteda grovein Beer–sheba, and calledthere on the nameof the Lord, the everlastingGod.ngrove: or, tree34 And Abrahamsojournedin the Philistines'landmanydays.