1 Thus the heavensand the earthwere finished, and all the host of them.2 And on the seventhdayGodendedhis workwhich he had made; and he restedon the seventhdayfrom all his workwhich he had made.3 And Godblessedthe seventhday, and sanctifiedit: becausethat in it he had restedfrom all his workwhich Godcreatedand made.ncreated…: Heb. created to make
4 Thesearethe generationsof the heavensand of the earthwhen they were created, in the daythat the LordGodmadethe earthand the heavens,5 And every plantof the fieldbeforeit was in the earth, and every herbof the fieldbeforeit grew: forthe LordGodhad notcaused it to rainupon the earth, and there wasnota manto tillthe ground.6 But there went upa mistfromthe earth, and wateredthe whole faceof the ground.nthere…: or, a mist which went up from, etc.7 And the LordGodformedmanofthe dustofthe ground, and breathedinto his nostrilsthe breathof life; and manbecame a livingsoul.nof the dust…: Heb. dust of the ground
8 And the LordGodplanteda gardeneastwardin Eden; and therehe putthe manwhomhe had formed.9 And outof the groundmadethe LordGodto growevery treethat is pleasantto the sight, and goodfor food; the treeof lifealso in the midstof the garden, and the treeof knowledgeof goodand evil.10 And a riverwent outof Edento waterthe garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into fourheads.11 The nameof the firstisPison: thatisit which compasseththe whole landof Havilah, wherethere isgold;12 And the goldof thatlandisgood: there isbdelliumand the onyxstone.13 And the nameof the secondriverisGihon: the same isit that compasseththe whole landof Ethiopia.nEthiopia: Heb. Cush14 And the nameof the thirdriverisHiddekel: that isit which goeth towardthe eastof Assyria. And the fourthriverisEuphrates.ntoward…: or, eastward to Assyria15 And the LordGodtookthe man, and put himinto the gardenof Edento dressit and to keep it.nthe man: or, Adam16 And the LordGodcommandedthe man, saying, Of every treeof the gardenthou mayest freelyeat:nthou…: Heb. eating thou shalt eat17 But of the treeof the knowledgeof goodand evil, thou shalt not eatof it: for in the daythat thou eatestthereof thou shalt surelydie.nthou shalt surely…: Heb. dying thou shalt die
18 And the LordGodsaid, It isnot goodthat the manshould bealone; I will makehim an help meet for him.nmeet…: Heb. as before him19 And out of the groundthe LordGodformedevery beastof the field, and every fowlof the air; and broughtthemunto Adamto seewhat he would callthem: and whatsoever Adamcalledevery livingcreature, thatwasthe name thereof.nAdam: or, the man20 And Adamgavenamesto all cattle, and to the fowlof the air, and to every beastof the field; but for Adamthere was not foundan help meet for him.ngave: Heb. called21 And the LordGodcauseda deep sleepto fallupon Adam, and he slept: and he tookoneof his ribs, and closed upthe flesh instead thereof;22 And the rib, which the LordGodhad takenfrom man, madehe a woman, and broughther unto the man.nmade: Heb. builded23 And Adamsaid, Thisisnowboneof my bones, and fleshof my flesh: sheshall be calledWoman, because shewas takenout of Man.nWoman: Heb. IshanMan: Heb. Ish24 Thereforeshall a manleavehis fatherand his mother, and shall cleaveunto his wife: and they shall be oneflesh.25 And they were bothnaked, the manand his wife, and were not ashamed.