1 OfoolishGalatians, whohath bewitchedyou, that ye shouldnotobeythe truth, beforewhoseeyesJesusChristhath been evidently set forth, crucifiedamongyou?2 ThisonlywouldI learnofyou, Received yethe Spiritbythe worksof the law, orbythe hearingof faith?3 Are yesofoolish? having begunin the Spirit, are yenowmade perfectby the flesh?4 Have ye sufferedso many thingsin vain? ifit beyetin vain.5 Hethereforethatministerethto youthe Spirit, andworkethmiraclesamongyou, doeth he itbythe worksof the law, orbythe hearingof faith?6 Even asAbrahambelievedGod, andit was accountedto himforrighteousness.7 Know yethereforethatthey which areoffaith, the samearethe children ofAbraham.8 Andthe scripture, foreseeingthatGodwould justifythe heathenthroughfaith, preached before the gospelunto Abraham, saying, Intheeshallallnationsbe blessed.9 So thentheywhich beoffaithare blessedwithfaithfulAbraham.10 Foras many asareofthe worksof the lawareunderthe curse: forit is written, Cursedisevery onethatcontinuethnotinall thingswhichare writteninthe bookof the lawto dothem.11 Butthatno manis justifiedbythe lawin the sight ofGod, it isevident: for, The justshall livebyfaith.12 Andthe lawisnotoffaith: but, The manthat doeththemshall liveinthem.13 Christhath redeemedusfromthe curseof the law, being madea curseforus: forit is written, Cursedisevery onethathangethona tree:14 Thatthe blessingof Abrahammight comeonthe GentilesthroughJesusChrist; thatwe might receivethe promiseof the Spiritthroughfaith.15 Brethren, I speakafter the manner ofmen; Thoughit bebuta man'scovenant, yet if it beconfirmed, no mandisannulleth, oraddeth thereto.16 Nowto Abrahamandhisseedwerethe promisesmade. He saithnot, Andto seeds, asofmany; butasofone, Andtothyseed, whichisChrist.17 AndthisI say, thatthe covenant, that was confirmed beforeofGodinChrist, the law, whichwasfour hundredandthirtyyearsafter, cannotdisannul, thatit should makethe promiseof none effect.18 Forifthe inheritancebeofthe law, it isno moreofpromise: butGodgaveitto Abrahambypromise.19 Whereforethenserveththe law? It was addedbecauseof transgressions, tillthe seedshould cometo whomthe promise was made; and it wasordainedbyangelsinthe handof a mediator.20 Nowa mediatorisnota mediatorof one, butGodisone.21 Isthe lawthenagainstthe promisesof God? God forbid: forifthere had beena lawgivenwhichcould havegiven life, verilyrighteousnessshould have beenbythe law.22 Butthe scripturehath concludedallundersin, thatthe promisebyfaithof JesusChristmight be givento them thatbelieve.23 Butbeforefaithcame, we were keptunderthe law, shut upuntothe faithwhichshould afterwardsbe revealed.24 Whereforethe lawwasourschoolmasterto bring usuntoChrist, thatwe might be justifiedbyfaith.25 Butafter thatfaithis come, we areno longerundera schoolmaster.26 Forye areallthe childrenof GodbyfaithinChristJesus.27 Foras manyof youashave been baptizedintoChristhave put onChrist.28 There isneitherJewnorGreek, there isneitherbondnorfree, there isneithermalenorfemale: foryearealloneinChristJesus.29 AndifyebeChrist's, thenare yeAbraham'sseed, andheirsaccording tothe promise.