1 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, See, I have madethee a godto Pharaoh: and Aaronthy brothershall be thy prophet.2 Thou shalt speakall that I commandthee: and Aaronthy brothershall speakunto Pharaoh, that he sendthe childrenof Israelout of his land.3 And I will hardenPharaoh'sheart, and multiplymy signsand my wondersin the landof Egypt.4 But Pharaohshall not hearkenunto you, that I may laymy handupon Egypt, and bring forthmine armies, andmy peoplethe childrenof Israel, out of the landof Egyptby greatjudgments.5 And the Egyptiansshall know that I amthe Lord, when I stretch forthmine handupon Egypt, and bring outthe childrenof Israelfrom among them.6 And Mosesand Aarondidas the Lordcommandedthem, so did they.7 And Moseswasfourscoreyearsold, and Aaronfourscoreand threeyearsold, when they spakeunto Pharaoh.
8 And the Lordspakeunto Mosesand unto Aaron, saying,9 When Pharaohshall speakunto you, saying, Shewa miraclefor you: then thou shalt sayunto Aaron, Takethy rod, and castitbeforePharaoh, andit shall become a serpent.
10 And Mosesand Aaronwent inunto Pharaoh, and they didso as the Lordhad commanded: and Aaroncast downhis rodbeforePharaoh, and beforehis servants, and it became a serpent.11 Then Pharaohalso calledthe wise menand the sorcerers: now the magiciansof Egypt, they also didin like mannerwith their enchantments.12 For they cast downevery manhis rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron'srodswallowed uptheir rods.13 And he hardenedPharaoh'sheart, that he hearkenednot unto them; as the Lordhad said.
14 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Pharaoh'sheartishardened, he refusethto let the peoplego.15 Getthee unto Pharaohin the morning; lo, he goeth outunto the water; and thou shalt standby the river'sbrinkagainst he come; and the rodwhich was turnedto a serpentshalt thou takein thine hand.16 And thou shalt sayunto him, The LordGodof the Hebrewshath sentme unto thee, saying, Let my peoplego, that they may serveme in the wilderness: and, behold, hithertothou wouldest not hear.17 Thus saiththe Lord, In this thou shalt know that I amthe Lord: behold, I will smitewith the rod that isin mine handupon the waters which arein the river, and they shall be turnedto blood.18 And the fish that isin the rivershall die, and the rivershall stink; and the Egyptiansshall lotheto drinkof the waterof the river.
19 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, Sayunto Aaron, Takethy rod, and stretch outthine handupon the watersof Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their poolsof water, that they may become blood; and thatthere may be bloodthroughout all the landof Egypt, both in vessels ofwood, and in vessels ofstone.npools…: Heb. gathering of their waters20 And Mosesand Aarondidso, as the Lordcommanded; and he lifted upthe rod, and smotethe waters that werein the river, in the sightof Pharaoh, and in the sightof his servants; and all the waters that werein the riverwere turnedto blood.21 And the fish that wasin the riverdied; and the riverstank, and the Egyptianscouldnot drinkof the waterof the river; and there was bloodthroughout all the landof Egypt.22 And the magiciansof Egyptdidso with their enchantments: and Pharaoh'sheartwas hardened, neither did he hearkenunto them; as the Lordhad said.23 And Pharaohturnedand wentinto his house, neither did he sethis heartto this also.24 And all the Egyptiansdiggedround aboutthe riverfor waterto drink; for they couldnot drinkof the waterof the river.25 And sevendayswere fulfilled, afterthat the Lordhad smittenthe river.