1 Then wroughtBezaleeland Aholiab, and every wiseheartedman, in whomthe Lordputwisdomand understandingto knowhow to workall manner of workfor the serviceof the sanctuary, according to all that the Lordhad commanded.2 And MosescalledBezaleeland Aholiab, and every wiseheartedman, in whose heartthe Lordhad putwisdom, evenevery one whose heartstirred him upto comeunto the workto do it:3 And they receivedofMosesall the offering, which the childrenof Israelhad broughtfor the workof the serviceof the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they broughtyet unto him free offeringsevery morning.4 And all the wise men, that wroughtall the workof the sanctuary, cameevery manfrom his workwhich they made;
5 And they spakeunto Moses, saying, The peoplebringmuch morethan enoughfor the serviceof the work, which the Lordcommandedto make.6 And Mosesgave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimedthroughout the camp, saying, Let neither mannor womanmakeany more workfor the offeringof the sanctuary. So the peoplewere restrainedfrom bringing.7 For the stuffthey had was sufficientfor all the workto makeit, and too much.
8 And every wisehearted manamong them that wroughtthe workof the tabernaclemadetencurtainsoffine twinedlinen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: withcherubimsof cunningworkmade he them.9 The lengthof onecurtainwastwentyand eightcubits, and the breadthof onecurtainfourcubits: the curtainswereall of onesize.10 And he coupledthe fivecurtainsoneunto another: and the otherfivecurtainshe coupledoneunto another.11 And he madeloopsof blueon the edgeof onecurtainfrom the selvedgein the coupling: likewise he madein the uttermostside of anothercurtain, in the couplingof the second.nselvedge: an edge of cloth so woven that it cannot unravel12 Fiftyloopsmadehe in onecurtain, and fiftyloopsmadehe in the edgeof the curtain which wasin the couplingof the second: the loopsheldonecurtainto another.13 And he madefiftytachesof gold, and coupledthe curtainsoneunto anotherwith the taches: so it became onetabernacle.
14 And he madecurtainsofgoats'hairfor the tentover the tabernacle: elevencurtainshe made them.15 The lengthof onecurtainwasthirtycubits, and fourcubitswasthe breadthof onecurtain: the elevencurtainswereof onesize.16 And he coupledfivecurtainsby themselves, and sixcurtains by themselves.17 And he madefiftyloopsupon the uttermostedgeof the curtainin the coupling, and fiftyloopsmadehe upon the edgeof the curtainwhich coupleththe second.18 And he madefiftytachesofbrassto couplethe tenttogether, that it might be one.19 And he madea coveringfor the tentoframs'skinsdyed red, and a coveringofbadgers'skinsabovethat.
20 And he madeboardsfor the tabernacleofshittimwood, standing up.21 The lengthof a boardwastencubits, and the breadthof a boardonecubitand a half.22 Oneboardhad twotenons, equally distantonefromanother: thus did he makefor all the boardsof the tabernacle.23 And he madeboardsfor the tabernacle; twentyboardsfor the southsidesouthward:24 And fortysocketsof silverhe madeunder the twentyboards; twosocketsunder oneboardfor his twotenons, and twosocketsunder anotherboardfor his twotenons.25 And for the othersideof the tabernacle, which istoward the northcorner, he madetwentyboards,26 And their fortysocketsof silver; twosocketsunder oneboard, and twosocketsunder anotherboard.27 And for the sidesof the tabernaclewestwardhe madesixboards.28 And twoboardsmadehe for the cornersof the tabernaclein the two sides.29 And they were coupledbeneath, and coupledtogetherat the headthereof, to onering: thus he didto bothof them in boththe corners.ncoupled: Heb. twinned30 And there were eightboards; and their socketsweresixteensocketsof silver, under everyboardtwosockets.nunder…: Heb. two sockets, two sockets under one board
31 And he madebarsof shittimwood; fivefor the boardsof the onesideof the tabernacle,32 And fivebarsfor the boardsof the othersideof the tabernacle, and fivebarsfor the boardsof the tabernaclefor the sideswestward.33 And he madethe middlebarto shootthroughthe boardsfrom the one endto the other.34 And he overlaidthe boardswith gold, and madetheir ringsofgoldto beplacesfor the bars, and overlaidthe barswith gold.
35 And he madea vailofblue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twinedlinen: withcherubimsmadehe it of cunningwork.36 And he madethereunto fourpillarsofshittimwood, and overlaidthem with gold: their hookswere ofgold; and he castfor them foursocketsof silver.
37 And he madean hangingfor the tabernacledoorofblue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twinedlinen, of needlework;nof needlework: Heb. the work of a needleworker or, embroiderer38 And the fivepillarsof it with their hooks: and he overlaidtheir chapitersand their filletswith gold: but their fivesocketswere ofbrass.