1 And thou shalt makean altarto burnincense upon: ofshittimwoodshalt thou make it.2 A cubitshall bethe lengththereof, and a cubitthe breadththereof; foursquareshall it be: and two cubitsshall bethe heightthereof: the horns thereof shall be of the same.3 And thou shalt overlayit with puregold, the topthereof, and the sidesthereof round about, and the hornsthereof; and thou shalt makeunto it a crownof goldround about.ntop: Heb. roofnsides: Heb. walls4 And twogoldenringsshalt thou maketo it under the crownof it, by the twocornersthereof, upon the twosidesof it shalt thou makeit; and they shall be for placesfor the stavesto bearit withal.ncorners: Heb. ribs5 And thou shalt makethe stavesofshittimwood, and overlaythem with gold.6 And thou shalt putit beforethe vail that isby the arkof the testimony, beforethe mercy seat that isover the testimony, where I will meet with thee.7 And Aaronshall burnthereon sweetincenseevery morning: when he dresseththe lamps, he shall burn incense upon it.nsweet incense: Heb. incense of spices8 And when Aaronlighteththe lampsat even, he shall burn incenseupon it, a perpetualincensebeforethe Lordthroughout your generations.nlighteth: or setteth up: Heb. causeth to ascendnat even: Heb. between the two evenings9 Ye shall offerno strangeincensethereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meat offering; neither shall ye pourdrink offering thereon.10 And Aaronshall make an atonementupon the hornsof it oncein a yearwith the bloodof the sin offeringof atonements: oncein the yearshall he make atonementupon it throughout your generations: it ismostholyunto the Lord.
11 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,12 When thou takestthe sumof the childrenof Israelafter their number, then shall they giveevery mana ransomfor his soulunto the Lord, when thou numberestthem; that there be no plague among them, when thounumberest them.ntheir number: Heb. them that are to be numbered13 This they shall give, every one that passethamongthem that are numbered, halfa shekelafter the shekelof the sanctuary: (a shekelistwentygerahs:) an halfshekelshall bethe offeringof the Lord.14 Every one that passethamong them that are numbered, from twentyyearsoldand above, shall givean offeringunto the Lord.15 The richshall not give more, and the poorshall not give lessthan halfa shekel, when theygivean offeringunto the Lord, to make an atonementfor your souls.ngive more: Heb. multiplyngive less: Heb. diminish16 And thou shalt takethe atonementmoneyof the childrenof Israel, and shalt appointit for the serviceof the tabernacleof the congregation; that it may be a memorialunto the childrenof Israelbeforethe Lord, to make an atonementfor your souls.
17 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,18 Thou shalt also makea laverofbrass, and his footalso ofbrass, to washwithal: and thou shalt putit between the tabernacleof the congregationand the altar, and thou shalt putwater therein.19 For Aaronand his sonsshall washtheir handsand their feet thereat:20 When they gointo the tabernacleof the congregation, they shall washwith water, that they dienot; or when they come nearto the altarto minister, to burn offeringmade by fireunto the Lord:21 So they shall washtheir handsand their feet, that they dienot: and it shall be a statutefor ever to them, evento him and to his seedthroughout their generations.
22 Moreover the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,23 Takethou also unto thee principalspices, of puremyrrhfivehundredshekels, and of sweetcinnamonhalfso much, eventwo hundredand fiftyshekels, and of sweetcalamustwo hundredand fiftyshekels,24 And of cassiafivehundredshekels, after the shekelof the sanctuary, and of oilolivean hin:25 And thou shalt makeit an oilof holyointment, an ointmentcompoundafter the artof the apothecary: it shall be an holyanointingoil.napothecary: or, perfumer26 And thou shalt anointthe tabernacleof the congregationtherewith, and the arkof the testimony,27 And the tableand all his vessels, and the candlestickand his vessels, and the altarof incense,28 And the altarof burnt offeringwith all his vessels, and the laverand his foot.29 And thou shalt sanctifythem, that they may be mostholy: whatsoever toucheththem shall be holy.30 And thou shalt anointAaronand his sons, and consecrate them, that theymay minister unto me in the priest's office.31 And thou shalt speakunto the childrenof Israel, saying, This shall be an holyanointingoilunto me throughout your generations.32 Upon man'sfleshshall it not be poured, neither shall ye makeany otherlike it, after the composition of it: it isholy, andit shall be holy unto you.33 Whosoevercompoundethanylike it, or whosoever puttethanyof it upon a stranger, shall even be cutoff from his people.
34 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Takeunto thee sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; thesesweetspiceswith purefrankincense: of eachshall there be a likeweight:35 And thou shalt makeit a perfume, a confectionafter the artof the apothecary, temperedtogether, pureandholy:ntempered…: Heb. salted36 And thou shalt beatsomeof it very small, and putof it beforethe testimonyin the tabernacleof the congregation, where I will meetwith thee: it shall be unto you mostholy.37 And as forthe perfumewhich thou shalt make, ye shall not maketo yourselves according to the compositionthereof: it shall be unto thee holyfor the Lord.38 Whosoevershall makelike unto that, to smellthereto, shall even be cut offfrom his people.