1 And thou shalt makean altarofshittimwood, fivecubitslong, and fivecubitsbroad; the altarshall be foursquare: and the height thereof shall bethreecubits.2 And thou shalt makethe hornsof it upon the fourcornersthereof: his hornsshall be of the same: and thou shalt overlayit with brass.3 And thou shalt makehis pansto receive his ashes, and his shovels, and his basons, and his fleshhooks, and his firepans: all the vesselsthereof thou shalt makeofbrass.4 And thou shalt makefor it a grateof networkofbrass; and upon the netshalt thou makefourbrasenringsin the fourcorners thereof.5 And thou shalt putit under the compassof the altarbeneath, that the netmay be even tothe midstof the altar.6 And thou shalt makestavesfor the altar, stavesofshittimwood, and overlaythem with brass.7 And the stavesshall be putinto the rings, and the stavesshall be upon the twosidesof the altar, to bear it.8 Hollowwith boardsshalt thou makeit: as it was shewedthee in the mount, so shall they makeit.nit was…: Heb. he shewed
9 And thou shalt makethe courtof the tabernacle: for the southsidesouthwardthere shall behangingsfor the courtoffine twinedlinenof an hundredcubitslongfor oneside:10 And the twentypillarsthereof and their twentysocketsshall be ofbrass; the hooksof the pillarsand their filletsshall be ofsilver.11 And likewise for the northsidein lengththere shall behangingsof an hundredcubitslong, and his twentypillarsand their twentysocketsofbrass; the hooksof the pillarsand their filletsofsilver.
12 And forthe breadthof the courton the westsideshall behangingsof fiftycubits: their pillarsten, and their socketsten.13 And the breadthof the courton the eastsideeastwardshall befiftycubits.14 The hangingsof one sideof the gate shall befifteencubits: their pillarsthree, and their socketsthree.15 And on the othersideshall behangingsfifteencubits: their pillarsthree, and their socketsthree.
16 And for the gateof the courtshall bean hangingof twentycubits, ofblue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twinedlinen, wrought with needlework: andtheir pillarsshall befour, and their socketsfour.17 All the pillarsround aboutthe courtshall befilletedwith silver; their hooksshall be ofsilver, and their socketsofbrass.
18 The lengthof the courtshall bean hundredcubits, and the breadthfiftyevery where, and the heightfivecubitsoffine twinedlinen, and their socketsofbrass.nfifty…: Heb. fifty by fifty19 All the vesselsof the tabernaclein all the servicethereof, and all the pinsthereof, and all the pinsof the court, shall be ofbrass.
20 And thou shalt commandthe childrenof Israel, that they bringthee pureoilolivebeatenfor the light, to cause the lampto burnalways.nto burn: Heb. to ascend up21 In the tabernacleof the congregationwithoutthe vail, which isbefore the testimony, Aaronand his sonsshall orderit from eveningto morningbeforethe Lord: it shall bea statutefor everunto their generationson the behalf of the childrenof Israel.