1 Now these arethe judgmentswhich thou shalt setbefore them.2 If thou buyan Hebrewservant, sixyearshe shall serve: and in the seventhhe shall go outfreefor nothing.3 If he came inby himself, he shall go outby himself: if he were married, then his wifeshall go out with him.nby himself: Heb. with his body4 If his masterhave givenhim a wife, and she have bornhim sonsor daughters; the wifeand her childrenshall be her master's, and he shall go outby himself.5 And if the servantshall plainlysay, I lovemy master, my wife, and my children; I will not go outfree:nshall…: Heb. saying shall say6 Then his mastershall bringhim unto the judges; he shall also bringhim to the door, or unto the door post; and his mastershall borehis earthrough with an aul; and he shall servehim for ever.
7 And if a mansellhis daughterto be a maidservant, she shall not go outas the menservantsdo.8 If she pleasenot her master, who hath betrothedher to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sellher unto a strangenationhe shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.nplease…: Heb. be evil in the eyes of, etc9 And if he have betrothedher unto his son, he shall dealwith her after the mannerof daughters.10 If he takehim anotherwife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish.11 And if he donot these threeunto her, then shall she go outfreewithout money.
12 He that smitetha man, so that he die, shall be surelyput to death.13 And if a man lie not in wait, but Goddeliverhiminto his hand; then I will appointthee a placewhither he shall flee.14 But if a mancome presumptuouslyupon his neighbour, to slayhim with guile; thou shalt takehim from mine altar, that he may die.
15 And he that smitethhis father, or his mother, shall be surelyput to death.
16 And he that stealetha man, and sellethhim, or if he be foundin his hand, he shall surelybe put to death.
17 And he that cursethhis father, or his mother, shall surelybe put to death.ncurseth: or, revileth
18 And if menstrivetogether, and onesmiteanotherwith a stone, or with hisfist, and he dienot, but keepethhisbed:nanother: or, his neighbour19 If he rise again, and walkabroadupon his staff, then shall he that smotehimbe quit: only he shall payforthe loss of his time, and shall cause himto be thoroughlyhealed.nthe loss…: Heb. his ceasing
20 And if a mansmitehis servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he dieunder his hand; he shall be surelypunished.npunished: Heb. avenged21 Notwithstanding, if he continuea dayor two, he shall not be punished: for he ishis money.
22 If menstrive, and hurta womanwith child, so that her fruitdepartfrom her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surelypunished, according as the woman'shusbandwill layupon him; and he shall payas the judgesdetermine.23 And if anymischief follow, then thou shalt givelifefor life,24 Eyefor eye, toothfor tooth, handfor hand, footfor foot,25 Burningfor burning, woundfor wound, stripefor stripe.
26 And if a mansmitethe eyeof his servant, or the eyeof his maid, that it perish; he shall let him gofreeforhis eye's sake.27 And if he smiteout his manservant'stooth, or his maidservant'stooth; he shall let him gofreefor his tooth's sake.
28 If an oxgorea manor a woman, that they die: then the oxshall be surelystoned, and his fleshshall not be eaten; but the ownerof the oxshall bequit.29 But if the oxwere wont to push with his hornin time past, and it hath been testifiedto his owner, and he hath not kepthim in, but that he hath killeda manor a woman; the oxshall be stoned, and his owneralso shall be put to death.30 If there be laidon him a sum of money, then he shall givefor the ransomof his lifewhatsoever is laid upon him.31 Whether he have goreda son, orhave goreda daughter, according to this judgmentshall it be done unto him.32 If the oxshall pusha manservantor a maidservant; he shall giveunto their masterthirtyshekelsof silver, and the oxshall be stoned.
33 And if a manshall opena pit, or if a manshall diga pit, and not coverit, and an oxor an assfall therein;34 The ownerof the pit shall make itgood, andgivemoneyunto the ownerof them; and the deadbeast shall be his.
35 And if one man'soxhurtanother's, that he die; then they shall sellthe liveox, and dividethe moneyof it; and the deadoxalso they shall divide.36 Or if it be knownthat the oxhath used to pushin time past, and his ownerhath not kepthim in; he shall surelypayoxfor ox; and the dead shall be his own.