1 And there wenta manof the houseof Levi, and tookto wifea daughterof Levi.2 And the womanconceived, and barea son: and when she saw him that he was agoodlychild, she hidhim threemonths.3 And when she couldnot longerhidehim, she tookfor him an arkof bulrushes, and daubedit with slimeand with pitch, and putthe childtherein; and she laiditin the flagsby the river'sbrink.4 And his sisterstoodafar off, to witwhat would be done to him.
5 And the daughterof Pharaohcame downto washherselfat the river; and her maidenswalkedalong by the river'sside; and when she sawthe arkamongthe flags, she senther maidto fetch it.6 And when she had openedit, she sawthe child: and, behold, the babewept. And she had compassionon him, and said, This is oneof the Hebrews'children.7 Then saidhis sisterto Pharaoh'sdaughter, Shall I goand callto thee a nurseof the Hebrewwomen, that she may nursethe child for thee?8 And Pharaoh'sdaughtersaidto her, Go. And the maidwentand calledthe child'smother.9 And Pharaoh'sdaughtersaidunto her, Takethis childaway, and nurseit for me, and I will givetheethy wages. And the womantookthe child, and nursed it.10 And the childgrew, and she broughthim unto Pharaoh'sdaughter, and he became her son. And she calledhis nameMoses: and she said, Because I drewhim out of the water.nMoses: that is, Drawn out
11 And it came to pass in those days, when Moseswas grown, that he went outunto his brethren, and lookedon their burdens: and he spiedan Egyptiansmitingan Hebrew, one of his brethren.12 And he lookedthis wayand that way, and when he saw that there wasno man, he slewthe Egyptian, and hidhim in the sand.13 And when he went outthe secondday, behold, twomenof the Hebrewsstrovetogether: and he saidto him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitestthou thy fellow?14 And he said, Who madetheea princeand a judgeover us? intendestthou to killme, as thou killedstthe Egyptian? And Mosesfeared, and said, Surelythis thingis known.na prince: Heb. a man, a prince15 Now when Pharaohheardthis thing, he soughtto slayMoses. But Mosesfledfrom the faceof Pharaoh, and dweltin the landof Midian: and he sat downby a well.16 Now the priestof Midianhad sevendaughters: and they cameand drewwater, and filledthe troughsto watertheir father'sflock.npriest: or, prince17 And the shepherdscameand drove them away: but Mosesstood upand helpedthem, and wateredtheir flock.18 And when they cameto Reueltheir father, he said, Howis it thatye are comeso soonto day?nReuel: called also Jethro, or, Jether19 And they said, An Egyptiandeliveredus out of the handof the shepherds, and also drewwaterenoughfor us, and wateredthe flock.20 And he saidunto his daughters, And where is he? why is it thatye have leftthe man? callhim, that he may eatbread.21 And Moseswas contentto dwellwith the man: and he gaveMosesZipporahhis daughter.22 And she barehima son, and he calledhis nameGershom: for he said, I have been a strangerin a strangeland.nGershom: that is, A stranger here
23 And it came to pass in processof time, that the kingof Egyptdied: and the childrenof Israelsighedby reason ofthe bondage, and they cried, and their crycame upunto Godby reason of the bondage.24 And Godheardtheir groaning, and Godrememberedhis covenantwith Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.25 And Godlookedupon the childrenof Israel, and Godhad respect unto them.nhad…: Heb. knew