1 And they took their journeyfrom Elim, and all the congregationof the childrenof Israelcameunto the wildernessof Sin, which isbetween Elimand Sinai, on the fifteenthdayof the secondmonthafter their departing outof the landof Egypt.2 And the whole congregationof the childrenof Israelmurmuredagainst Mosesand Aaronin the wilderness:3 And the childrenof Israelsaidunto them, Would to Godwe had diedby the handof the Lordin the landof Egypt, when we satby the fleshpots, andwhen we did eatbreadto the full; for ye have brought us forthinto this wilderness, to killthis whole assemblywith hunger.
4 Then saidthe Lordunto Moses, Behold, I will rainbreadfrom heavenfor you; and the peopleshall go outand gathera certain rateevery day, that I may provethem, whether they will walkin my law, or no.na certain…: Heb. the portion of a day in his day5 And it shall come to pass, that on the sixthdaythey shall preparethatwhichthey bring in; and it shall be twiceas much as they gatherdaily.6 And Mosesand Aaronsaidunto all the childrenof Israel, At even, then ye shall knowthat the Lordhath brought you outfrom the landof Egypt:7 And in the morning, then ye shall seethe gloryof the Lord; for that he hearethyour murmuringsagainst the Lord: and what arewe, that ye murmur against us?8 And Mosessaid, This shall be, when the Lordshall giveyou in the eveningfleshto eat, and in the morningbreadto the full; for that the Lordhearethyour murmuringswhich ye murmur against him: and what arewe? your murmuringsarenot against us, but against the Lord.
9 And Mosesspakeunto Aaron, Sayunto all the congregationof the childrenof Israel, Come nearbeforethe Lord: for he hath heardyour murmurings.10 And it came to pass, as Aaronspakeunto the whole congregationof the childrenof Israel, that they lookedtoward the wilderness, and, behold, the gloryof the Lordappearedin the cloud.
11 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,12 I have heardthe murmuringsof the childrenof Israel: speakunto them, saying, At evenye shall eatflesh, and in the morningye shall be filledwith bread; and ye shall know that I amthe Lordyour God.13 And it came to pass, that at eventhe quailscame up, and coveredthe camp: and in the morningthe dewlayround aboutthe host.14 And when the dewthat laywas gone up, behold, upon the faceof the wildernessthere laya smallround thing, assmallas the hoar froston the ground.15 And when the childrenof Israelsawit, they saidoneto another, It ismanna: for they wist not what it was. And Mosessaid unto them, This isthe breadwhich the Lordhath givenyou to eat.nIt is…: or, What is this? or, It is a portion
16 This isthe thingwhichthe Lordhath commanded, Gatherof it every manaccordingto his eating, an omerfor every man, according tothe numberof your persons; takeye every man for them which arein his tents.nfor every…: Heb. by the poll, or, headnpersons: Heb. souls17 And the childrenof Israeldidso, and gathered, some more, some less.18 And when they did meteitwith an omer, he that gathered muchhad nothing over, and he that gathered littlehad no lack; they gatheredevery manaccordingto his eating.19 And Mosessaid, Let no manleaveof it till the morning.20 Notwithstanding they hearkenednot unto Moses; but someof them leftof it until the morning, and it bredworms, and stank: and Moseswas wroth with them.21 And they gatheredit every morning, every manaccordingto his eating: and when the sunwaxed hot, it melted.
22 And it came to pass, thaton the sixthdaythey gatheredtwiceas much bread, twoomersfor oneman: and all the rulersof the congregationcameand toldMoses.23 And he said unto them, This is thatwhich the Lordhath said, To morrowisthe restof the holysabbathunto the Lord: bakethatwhich ye will baketo day, and seethethat ye will seethe; and that whichremaineth overlay upfor you to be keptuntil the morning.24 And they laid it uptill the morning, as Mosesbade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein.25 And Mosessaid, Eatthat to day; for to dayisa sabbathunto the Lord: to dayye shall not findit in the field.26 Sixdaysye shall gatherit; but on the seventhday, which isthe sabbath, in it there shall be none.
27 And it came to pass, thatthere went outsomeof the peopleon the seventhdayfor to gather, and they found none.28 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, How long refuseye to keepmy commandmentsand my laws?29 See, for that the Lordhath givenyou the sabbath, therefore he givethyou on the sixthdaythe breadof two days; abideye every manin his place, let no mango outof his placeon the seventhday.30 So the peoplerestedon the seventhday.31 And the houseof Israelcalledthe namethereof Manna: and it waslike corianderseed, white; and the taste of it waslike wafersmadewith honey.
32 And Mosessaid, This isthe thingwhich the Lordcommandeth, Fillan omerof it to be keptfor your generations; that they may seethe breadwherewith I have fedyou in the wilderness, when I brought you forthfrom the landof Egypt.33 And Mosessaidunto Aaron, Takeapot, and putan omerfullof mannatherein, and lay it upbeforethe Lord, to be keptfor your generations.34 As the LordcommandedMoses, so Aaronlaid it upbeforethe Testimony, to be kept.35 And the childrenof Israeldid eatmannafortyyears, until they cameto a landinhabited; they did eatmanna, until they cameunto the bordersof the landof Canaan.36 Now an omeristhe tenthpartof an ephah.