1 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Goin unto Pharaoh: for I have hardenedhis heart, and the heartof his servants, that I might shewthese my signsbefore him:2 And that thou mayest tellin the earsof thy son, and of thy son'sson, what things I have wroughtin Egypt, and my signswhich I have doneamong them; that ye may know how that I amthe Lord.3 And Mosesand Aaroncame inunto Pharaoh, and saidunto him, Thus saiththe LordGodof the Hebrews, How longwilt thou refuseto humblethyself beforeme? let my peoplego, that they may serve me.4 Else, if thou refuseto let my peoplego, behold, to morrowwill I bringthe locustsinto thy coast:5 And they shall coverthe faceof the earth, that one cannot be ableto seethe earth: and they shall eatthe residueof that which is escaped, which remainethunto you from the hail, and shall eatevery treewhich growethfor you out of the field:nface: Heb. eye6 And they shall fillthy houses, and the housesof all thy servants, and the housesof all the Egyptians; which neither thy fathers, nor thy fathers'fathershave seen, since the daythat they were upon the earthunto this day. And he turnedhimself, and went outfrom Pharaoh.7 And Pharaoh'sservantssaidunto him, How long shall this man be a snareunto us? let the mengo, that they may servethe Lordtheir God: knowestthou not yetthat Egyptis destroyed?8 And Mosesand Aaronwere brought againunto Pharaoh: and he saidunto them, Go, servethe Lordyour God: but who arethey that shall go?nwho…: Heb. who and who, etc9 And Mosessaid, We will gowith our youngand with our old, with our sonsand with our daughters, with our flocksand with our herdswill we go; for we must holda feastunto the Lord.10 And he saidunto them, Let the Lordbe so with you, as I will let you go, and your little ones: lookto it; for evilisbefore you.11 Not so: go now ye that aremen, and servethe Lord; for that ye did desire. And they were driven outfrom Pharaoh'spresence.
12 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Stretch outthine handover the landof Egyptfor the locusts, that they may come upupon the landof Egypt, and eatevery herbof the land, evenall that the hailhath left.13 And Mosesstretched forthhis rodover the landof Egypt, and the Lordbroughtan eastwindupon the landall that day, and all thatnight; andwhen it was morning, the eastwindbroughtthe locusts.14 And the locustswent upover all the landof Egypt, and restedin all the coastsof Egypt: verygrievouswere they; beforethem there were no suchlocustsas they, neither after them shall be such.15 For they coveredthe faceof the whole earth, so that the landwas darkened; and they did eatevery herbof the land, and all the fruitof the treeswhich the hailhad left: and there remainednot any green thingin the trees, or in the herbsof the field, through all the landof Egypt.
16 Then Pharaohcalledfor Mosesand Aaronin haste; and he said, I have sinnedagainst the Lordyour God, and against you.ncalled: Heb. hastened to call17 Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sinonly this once, and intreatthe Lordyour God, that he may take awayfrom me this death only.18 And he went outfrom Pharaoh, and intreatedthe Lord.19 And the Lordturneda mightystrongwestwind, which took awaythe locusts, and castthem into the Redsea; there remainednot onelocustin all the coastsof Egypt.ncast: Heb. fastened20 But the LordhardenedPharaoh'sheart, so that he would not let the childrenof Israelgo.
21 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Stretch outthine handtoward heaven, that there may be darknessover the landof Egypt, even darknesswhichmay be felt.neven…: Heb. that one may feel darkness22 And Mosesstretched forthhis handtoward heaven; and there was a thickdarknessin all the landof Egyptthreedays:23 They sawnot oneanother, neither roseanyfrom his place for threedays: but all the childrenof Israelhad lightin their dwellings.
24 And Pharaohcalledunto Moses, and said, Goye, servethe Lord; only let your flocksand your herdsbe stayed: let your little onesalso go with you.25 And Mosessaid, Thou must giveusalso sacrificesand burnt offerings, that we may sacrificeunto the Lordour God.nus: Heb. into our hands26 Our cattlealso shall gowith us; there shall not an hoofbe left behind; for thereof must we taketo servethe Lordour God; and we knownot with what we must servethe Lord, until we come thither.
27 But the LordhardenedPharaoh'sheart, and he wouldnot let them go.28 And Pharaohsaidunto him, Getthee from me, take heedto thyself, seemy faceno more; for in thatdaythou seestmy facethou shalt die.29 And Mosessaid, Thou hast spokenwell, I will seethy faceagain no more.