1 When Mordecaiperceivedall that was done, Mordecairenthis clothes, and put onsackclothwith ashes, and went outinto the midstof the city, and criedwith a loudand a bittercry;2 And cameeven beforethe king'sgate: for none mightenterinto the king'sgateclothedwith sackcloth.3 And in every province, whithersoeverthe king'scommandmentand his decreecame, there wasgreatmourningamong the Jews, and fasting, and weeping, and wailing; and manylayin sackclothand ashes.nmany…: Heb. sackcloth and ashes were laid under many
4 So Esther'smaidsand her chamberlainscameand toldither. Then was the queenexceedinglygrieved; and she sentraimentto clotheMordecai, and to take awayhis sackclothfrom him: but he receivedit not.nchamberlains: Heb. eunuchs5 Then calledEstherfor Hatach, oneof the king'schamberlains, whom he had appointedto attendupon her, and gave him a commandmentto Mordecai, to know what it was, and why it was.nappointed…: Heb. set before her6 So Hatachwent forthto Mordecaiunto the streetof the city, which wasbeforethe king'sgate.7 And Mordecaitoldhim of all that had happenedunto him, and of the sumof the moneythat Hamanhad promisedto payto the king'streasuriesfor the Jews, to destroy them.8 Also he gavehim the copyof the writingof the decreethat was givenat Shushanto destroythem, to shewitunto Esther, and to declareitunto her, and to chargeher that she should go inunto the king, to make supplicationunto him, and to make requestbeforehim for her people.9 And Hatachcameand toldEstherthe wordsof Mordecai.
10 Again Estherspakeunto Hatach, and gave him commandmentunto Mordecai;11 All the king'sservants, and the peopleof the king'sprovinces, do know, that whosoever, whether manor woman, shall comeunto the kinginto the innercourt, who is not called, there isonelaw of his to put himto death, exceptsuch to whom the kingshall hold outthe goldensceptre, that he may live: but I have not been calledto come inunto the kingthese thirtydays.12 And they toldto MordecaiEsther'swords.13 Then Mordecaicommandedto answerEsther, Thinknot with thyselfthat thou shalt escapein the king'shouse, more than all the Jews.14 For if thou altogetherholdest thy peaceat this time, thenshall there enlargementand deliveranceariseto the Jewsfrom anotherplace; but thou and thy father'shouseshall be destroyed: and who knowethwhether thou art cometo the kingdom for sucha time as this?nenlargement: Heb. respiration
15 Then EstherbadethemreturnMordecaithis answer,16 Go, gather togetherall the Jewsthat are presentin Shushan, and fastye for me, and neither eatnor drinkthreedays, nightor day: I also and my maidenswill fastlikewise; and sowill I goin unto the king, which isnot according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.npresent: Heb. found17 So Mordecaiwent his way, and didaccording to all that Estherhad commanded him.nwent…: Heb. passed