1 Now it came to pass in the daysof Ahasuerus, (this isAhasueruswhich reigned, from Indiaeven unto Ethiopia, overan hundredand sevenand twentyprovinces:)2 Thatin those days, when the kingAhasuerussaton the throneof his kingdom, which wasin Shushanthe palace,3 In the thirdyearof his reign, he madea feastunto all his princesand his servants; the powerof Persiaand Media, the noblesand princesof the provinces, beingbefore him:4 When he shewedthe richesof his gloriouskingdomand the honourof his excellentmajestymanydays, evenan hundredand fourscoredays.5 And when these dayswere expired, the kingmadea feastunto all the peoplethat were presentin Shushanthe palace, both unto greatand small, sevendays, in the courtof the gardenof the king'spalace;npresent: Heb. found6 Where werewhite, green, and blue, hangings, fastenedwith cordsof fine linenand purpleto silverringsand pillarsof marble: the bedswere ofgoldand silver, upon a pavementof red, and blue, and white, and black, marble.nblue, hangings: or, violet, etcnof red…: or, of porphyre, and marble and alabaster, and stone of blue colour7 And they gave themdrinkin vesselsof gold, (the vesselsbeing diverseone from another,) and royalwinein abundance, according to the stateof the king.nroyal…: Heb. wine of the kingdomnstate: Heb. hand8 And the drinkingwasaccording to the law; none did compel: for so the kinghad appointedto all the officersof his house, that they should doaccording to every man'spleasure.9 Also Vashtithe queenmadea feastfor the womeninthe royalhouse which belongedto kingAhasuerus.
10 On the seventhday, when the heartof the kingwas merrywith wine, he commandedMehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the sevenchamberlainsthat servedin the presenceof Ahasuerusthe king,nchamberlains: or, eunuchs11 To bringVashtithe queenbeforethe kingwith the crownroyal, to shewthe peopleand the princesher beauty: for she wasfairto look on.nfair…: Heb. good of countenance12 But the queenVashtirefusedto comeat the king'scommandmentbyhischamberlains: therefore was the kingverywroth, and his angerburned in him.nby his…: Heb. which was by the hand of his eunuchs
13 Then the kingsaidto the wise men, which knewthe times, (for so wasthe king'smannertowardall that knewlawand judgment:14 And the next unto him wasCarshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, andMemucan, the sevenprincesof Persiaand Media, which sawthe king'sface, andwhich satthe firstin the kingdom;)15 What shall we dounto the queenVashtiaccording to law, because she hath not performedthe commandmentof the kingAhasuerusbythe chamberlains?nWhat…: Heb. What to do16 And Memucanansweredbeforethe kingand the princes, Vashtithe queenhath not done wrongto the kingonly, but also to all the princes, and to all the people that arein all the provincesof the kingAhasuerus.17 For thisdeedof the queenshall come abroadunto all women, so that they shall despisetheir husbandsin their eyes, when it shall be reported, The kingAhasueruscommandedVashtithe queento be brought inbeforehim, but she came not.18 Likewiseshall the ladiesof Persiaand Mediasaythis dayunto all the king'sprinces, which have heardof the deedof the queen. Thus shall there arisetoo muchcontemptand wrath.19 If it pleasethe king, let there goa royalcommandmentfrom him, and let it be writtenamong the lawsof the Persiansand the Medes, that it be not altered, That Vashticomeno more beforekingAhasuerus; and let the kinggiveher royal estateunto anotherthat is better than she.nIf it…: Heb. If it be good with the kingnunto…: Heb. unto her companionnfrom him: Heb. from before himnbe not…: Heb. pass not away20 And when the king'sdecreewhich he shall makeshall be publishedthroughout all his empire, (for it is great,) all the wivesshall giveto their husbandshonour, both to greatand small.21 And the sayingpleasedthe kingand the princes; and the kingdidaccording to the wordof Memucan:npleased…: Heb. was good in the eyes of the king22 For he sentlettersinto all the king'sprovinces, into every provinceaccording to the writingthereof, and to every peopleafter their language, that every manshould bear rulein his own house, and that itshould be publishedaccording to the languageof every people.nthat it…: Heb. that one should publish it according to the language of his people