1 Now when these things were done, the princescameto me, saying, The peopleof Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separatedthemselves from the peopleof the lands, doingaccording to their abominations, evenof the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.2 For they have takenof their daughtersfor themselves, and for their sons: so that the holyseedhave mingledthemselves with the people of thoselands: yea, the handof the princesand rulershath been chiefin this trespass.3 And when I heardthis thing, I rentmy garmentand my mantle, and plucked offthe hairof my headand of my beard, and sat downastonied.4 Then were assembledunto me every one that trembledat the wordsof the Godof Israel, because of the transgressionof those that had been carried away; and I satastonieduntil the eveningsacrifice.
5 And at the eveningsacrificeI arose upfrom my heaviness; and having rentmy garmentand my mantle, I fellupon my knees, and spread outmy handsunto the Lordmy God,nheaviness: or, affliction6 And said, O my God, I am ashamedand blushto lift upmy faceto thee, my God: for our iniquitiesare increasedoverourhead, and our trespassis grown upunto the heavens.ntrespass: or, guiltiness7 Since the daysof our fathershave we beenin a greattrespassunto this day; and for our iniquitieshave we, our kings, andour priests, been deliveredinto the handof the kingsof the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusionof face, as it isthis day.8 And now for a littlespacegrace hath been shewedfrom the Lordour God, to leaveus a remnant to escape, and to giveus a nailin his holyplace, that our Godmay lightenour eyes, and giveus a littlerevivingin our bondage.nspace: Heb. momentna nail: or, a pin: that is, a constant and sure abode9 For we werebondmen; yet our Godhath not forsakenus in our bondage, but hath extendedmercyunto us in the sightof the kingsof Persia, to giveus a reviving, to set upthe houseof our God, and to repairthe desolationsthereof, and to giveus a wallin Judahand in Jerusalem.nto repair: Heb. to set up10 And now, O our God, what shall we sayafterthis? for we have forsakenthy commandments,11 Which thou hast commandedbythy servantsthe prophets, saying, The land, unto which ye goto possessit, is an uncleanlandwith the filthinessof the peopleof the lands, with their abominations, which have filledit from one endto anotherwith their uncleanness.nby: Heb. by the hand ofnfrom…: Heb. from mouth to mouth12 Now therefore givenot your daughtersunto their sons, neither taketheir daughtersunto your sons, nor seektheir peaceor their wealthforever: that ye may be strong, and eatthe goodof the land, and leave itfor an inheritanceto your childrenfor ever.13 And afterall that is comeupon us for our evildeeds, and for our greattrespass, seeing that thou our Godhast punishedus lessthan our iniquitiesdeserve, and hast given us suchdeliverance as this;nhast punished…: Heb. hast withheld beneath our iniquities14 Should we againbreakthy commandments, and join in affinitywith the peopleof these abominations? wouldest not thou be angrywith us till thou hadst consumedus, so that there should beno remnantnor escaping?15 O LordGodof Israel, thou artrighteous: for we remainyet escaped, as it isthis day: behold, we arebeforethee in our trespasses: for we cannot standbefore thee because of this.