1 Then the prophets, Haggaithe prophet, and Zechariahthe sonof Iddo, prophesieduntothe Jews that werein Judahand Jerusalemin the nameof the Godof Israel, evenunto them.2 Thenrose upZerubbabelthe sonof Shealtiel, and Jeshuathe sonof Jozadak, and beganto buildthe houseof God which isat Jerusalem: and with themwerethe prophetsof Godhelping them.
3 At the same timecameto them Tatnai, governoron this sidethe river, and Shethar–boznai, and their companions, and saidthusunto them, Whohath commandedyou to buildthishouse, and to make upthiswall?4 Thensaidwe unto them after this manner, Whatarethe namesof the menthat makethisbuilding?nmake: Chaldee, build5 But the eyeof their Godwasuponthe eldersof the Jews, that they could notcausethemto cease, tillthe mattercameto Darius: and thenthey returned answerby letterconcerningthismatter.
6 The copyof the letterthat Tatnai, governoron this sidethe river, and Shethar–boznai, and his companionsthe Apharsachites, which wereon this sidethe river, sentuntoDariusthe king:7 They senta letteruntohim, whereinwas writtenthus; Unto Dariusthe king, allpeace.nwherein: Chaldee, in the midst whereof8 Be it knownunto the king, that we wentinto the provinceof Judea, to the houseof the greatGod, which is buildedwith greatstones, and timberis laidin the walls, and thisworkgoethfaston, and prosperethin their hands.ngreat…: Chaldee, stones of rolling9 Thenaskedwe thoseelders, andsaidunto them thus, Whocommandedyou to buildthishouse, and to make upthesewalls?10 We askedtheir namesalso, to certifythee, that we might writethe namesof the men that werethe chief of them.11 And thusthey returnedus answer, saying, Wearethe servantsof the Godof heavenand earth, and buildthe housethat wasbuildedthesemanyyearsago, which a greatkingof Israelbuildedand set up.12 Butafterthat our fathershad provokedthe Godof heavenunto wrath, he gavetheminto the handof Nebuchadnezzarthe kingof Babylon, the Chaldean, who destroyedthishouse, and carriedthe peopleawayinto Babylon.13 Butin the firstyearof Cyrusthe kingof Babylonthe samekingCyrusmadea decreeto buildthishouseof God.14 And the vesselsalsoofgoldand silverof the houseof God, which Nebuchadnezzartookout ofthe temple that wasin Jerusalem, and broughtthem into the templeof Babylon, thosedid Cyrusthe kingtakeout ofthe templeof Babylon, and they were delivered unto one, whose namewasSheshbazzar, whom he had madegovernor;ngovernor: or, deputy15 And saidunto him, Takethesevessels, go, carrytheminto the temple that isin Jerusalem, and let the houseof Godbe buildedinhis place.16 Thencamethe sameSheshbazzar, andlaidthe foundationof the houseof God which isin Jerusalem: and sincethat timeeven untilnowhath it been in building, and yetit is notfinished.17 Nowtherefore, ifit seemgoodtothe king, let there be searchmade in the king'streasurehouse, which isthereat Babylon, whetherit beso, that a decreewas madeofCyrusthe kingto buildthishouseof Godat Jerusalem, and let the kingsendhis pleasureto us concerningthis matter.