1 Paul, an apostleof JesusChristbythe willof God, to the saintswhichareatEphesus, andto the faithfulinChristJesus:2 Gracebeto you, andpeace, fromGodourFather, andfromthe LordJesusChrist.3 Blessedbethe GodandFatherof ourLordJesusChrist, whohath blesseduswithallspiritualblessingsinheavenlyplacesinChrist:4 According ashe hath chosenusinhimbeforethe foundationof the world, that weshould beholyandwithout blamebeforehiminlove:5 Having predestinatedusuntothe adoption of childrenbyJesusChristtohimself, accordingto the good pleasureof hiswill,6 Tothe praiseof the gloryof hisgrace, whereinhe hath madeusacceptedinthe beloved.7 Inwhomwe haveredemptionthroughhisblood, the forgivenessof sins, accordingto the richesof hisgrace;8 Whereinhe hath aboundedtowardusinallwisdomandprudence;9 Having made knownunto usthe mysteryof hiswill, according tohisgood pleasurewhichhe hath purposedinhimself:10 That inthe dispensationof the fulnessof timeshe might gather together in oneall thingsinChrist, bothwhich areinheaven, andwhich areonearth; even in him:11 Inwhomalsowe have obtained an inheritance, being predestinatedaccording tothe purposeof him whoworkethall thingsafterthe counselof his ownwill:12 Thatweshould betothe praiseof hisglory, whofirst trustedinChrist.13 Inwhomyealsotrusted, after that ye heardthe wordof truth, the gospelof yoursalvation: inwhomalsoafter that ye believed, ye were sealedwith thatholySpiritof promise,14 Whichisthe earnestof ourinheritanceuntilthe redemptionof the purchased possession, untothe praiseof hisglory.15 WhereforeI also, after I heardofyourfaithinthe LordJesus, andloveuntoallthe saints,16 Ceasenotto give thanksforyou, makingmentionof youinmyprayers;17 Thatthe Godof ourLordJesusChrist, the Fatherof glory, may giveunto youthe spiritof wisdomandrevelationinthe knowledgeof him:18 The eyesof yourunderstandingbeing enlightened; thatyemay knowwhatisthe hopeof hiscalling, andwhatthe richesof the gloryof hisinheritanceinthe saints,19 Andwhatisthe exceedinggreatnessof hispowertous-wardwhobelieve, according tothe workingof hismightypower,20 Whichhe wroughtinChrist, when he raisedhimfromthe dead, andsethimathis ownright handinthe heavenlyplaces, 21 Far aboveallprincipality, andpower, andmight, anddominion, andeverynamethat is named, notonlyinthisworld, butalsointhat which isto come:22 Andhath putallthingsunderhisfeet, andgavehimto bethe headoverallthingsto the church,23 Whichishisbody, the fulnessof him thatfillethallinall.