1 Afterward he broughtme to the gate, eventhe gatethat lookethtowardthe east:2 And, behold, the gloryof the Godof Israelcamefrom the wayof the east: and his voicewaslike a noiseof manywaters: and the earthshinedwith his glory.3 And it wasaccording to the appearanceof the visionwhich I saw, evenaccording to the visionthat I sawwhen I cameto destroythe city: and the visionswerelike the visionthat I sawby the riverChebar; and I fellupon my face.nwhen…: or, when I came to prophesy that the city should be destroyed4 And the gloryof the Lordcameinto the houseby the wayof the gatewhose prospectistowardthe east.5 So the spirittook me up, and broughtme into the innercourt; and, behold, the gloryof the Lordfilledthe house.6 And I heardhimspeakingunto me out of the house; and the manstoodby me.
7 And he saidunto me, Sonof man, the placeof my throne, and the placeof the solesof my feet, where I will dwellin the midstof the childrenof Israelfor ever, and my holyname, shall the houseof Israelno more defile, neitherthey, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcasesof their kingsin their high places.8 In their settingof their thresholdby my thresholds, and their postbymy posts, and the wallbetween me and them, they have even defiledmy holynameby their abominationsthat they have committed: wherefore I have consumedthem in mine anger.nand the…: or, for there was but a wall between me and them9 Now let them put awaytheir whoredom, and the carcasesof their kings, farfrom me, and I will dwellin the midstof them for ever.
10 Thou sonof man, shewthe houseto the houseof Israel, that they may be ashamedof their iniquities: and let them measurethe pattern.npattern: or, sum, or, number11 And if they be ashamedof all that they have done, shewthem the formof the house, and the fashionthereof, and the goings outthereof, and the comingsin thereof, and all the formsthereof, and all the ordinancesthereof, and all the formsthereof, and all the lawsthereof: and writeitin their sight, that they may keepthe whole formthereof, and all the ordinancesthereof, and do them.12 This isthe lawof the house; Upon the topof the mountainthe whole limitthereof round aboutshall bemostholy. Behold, this isthe lawof the house.
13 And these arethe measuresof the altarafter the cubits: The cubitisa cubitand an hand breadth; even the bottomshall bea cubit, and the breadtha cubit, and the borderthereof by the edgethereof round aboutshall beaspan: and this shall bethe higher placeof the altar.nbottom: Heb. bosomnedge: Heb. lip14 And from the bottomuponthe groundevento the lowersettleshall betwocubits, and the breadthonecubit; and from the lessersettleevento the greatersettleshall befourcubits, and the breadthonecubit.15 So the altarshall befourcubits; and from the altarand upwardshall befourhorns.nthe altar shall: Heb. Harel, that is, the mountain of Godnthe altar and: Heb. Ariel, that is, the lion of God16 And the altarshall betwelvecubitslong, twelvebroad, squarein the foursquares thereof.17 And the settleshall befourteencubitslongand fourteenbroadin the foursquaresthereof; and the borderabout it shall behalfa cubit; and the bottom thereof shall bea cubitabout; and his stairsshall looktoward the east.
18 And he saidunto me, Sonof man, thus saiththe LordGod; These arethe ordinancesof the altarin the daywhen they shall makeit, to offerburnt offeringsthereon, and to sprinkleblood thereon.19 And thou shalt giveto the prieststhe Levitesthat be of the seedof Zadok, which approachunto me, to ministerunto me, saiththe LordGod, a youngbullockfor a sin offering.20 And thou shalt takeof the bloodthereof, and putiton the fourhornsof it, and on the fourcornersof the settle, and upon the borderround about: thus shalt thou cleanseand purge it.21 Thou shalt takethe bullockalso of the sin offering, and he shall burnit in the appointed placeof the house, withoutthe sanctuary.22 And on the seconddaythou shalt offera kidof the goatswithout blemishfor a sin offering; and they shall cleansethe altar, as they did cleanseitwith the bullock.23 When thou hast made an endof cleansingit, thou shalt offera youngbullockwithout blemish, and a ramout of the flockwithout blemish.24 And thou shalt offerthem beforethe Lord, and the priestsshall castsaltupon them, and they shall offer them upfora burnt offeringunto the Lord.25 Sevendaysshalt thou prepareevery daya goatfora sin offering: they shall also preparea youngbullock, and a ramout of the flock, without blemish.26 Sevendaysshall they purgethe altarand purifyit; and they shall consecrate themselves.nconsecrate…: Heb. fill their hands27 And when these daysare expired, it shall be, thatupon the eighthday, and soforward, the priestsshall makeyour burnt offeringsupon the altar, and your peace offerings; and I will acceptyou, saiththe LordGod.npeace…: or, thank offerings