1 Afterward he broughtme to the temple, and measuredthe posts, sixcubitsbroadon the one side, and sixcubitsbroadon the other side, which wasthe breadthof the tabernacle.2 And the breadthof the doorwastencubits; and the sidesof the doorwerefivecubitson the one side, and fivecubitson the other side: and he measuredthe lengththereof, fortycubits: and the breadth, twentycubits.ndoor: or, entrance3 Then wenthe inward, and measuredthe postof the door, twocubits; and the door, sixcubits; and the breadthof the door, sevencubits.4 So he measuredthe lengththereof, twentycubits; and the breadth, twentycubits, beforethe temple: and he said unto me, This isthe mostholyplace.5 After he measuredthe wallof the house, sixcubits; and the breadth of everyside chamber, fourcubits, round aboutthe houseon every side.6 And the sidechamberswerethree, one over another, and thirtyin order; and they enteredinto the wall which wasof the housefor the side chambersround about, that they might have hold, but they had not holdin the wallof the house.none…: Heb. side chamber over side chambernthirty…: or, three and thirty times, or, footnhave hold: Heb. be holden7 And there wasan enlarging, and a winding aboutstill upwardto the side chambers: for the winding aboutof the housewent still upwardround aboutthe house: therefore the breadthof the housewas stillupward, and so increasedfromthe lowestchamberto the highestby the midst.nthere…: Heb. it was made broader, and went round8 I sawalso the heightof the houseround about: the foundationsof the side chamberswerea fullreedof sixgreatcubits.9 The thicknessof the wall, which wasfor the side chamberwithout, wasfivecubits: and that which wasleftwasthe placeof the side chambers that werewithin.10 And between the chamberswasthe widenessof twentycubitsround aboutthe houseon every side.11 And the doorsof the side chamberswere toward the place that wasleft, onedoortowardthe north, and anotherdoortoward the south: and the breadthof the placethat was leftwasfivecubitsround about.12 Now the building that wasbeforethe separate placeat the endtowardthe westwasseventycubitsbroad; and the wallof the buildingwasfivecubitsthickround about, and the lengththereof ninetycubits.13 So he measuredthe house, an hundredcubitslong; and the separate place, and the building, with the wallsthereof, an hundredcubitslong;14 Also the breadthof the faceof the house, and of the separate placetoward the east, an hundredcubits.15 And he measuredthe lengthof the buildingover againstthe separate place which wasbehindit, and the galleriesthereof on the one side and on the other side, an hundredcubits, with the innertemple, and the porchesof the court;ngalleries: or, several walks, or, walks with pillars16 The door posts, and the narrowwindows, and the galleriesround abouton their three stories, over againstthe door, cieledwith woodround about, and from the groundup to the windows, and the windowswerecovered;ncieled…: Heb. cieling of woodnand from…: or, and the ground unto the windows17 To that above the door, even unto the innerhouse, and without, and by all the wallround aboutwithinand without, by measure.nmeasure: Heb. measures18 And it wasmadewith cherubimsand palm trees, so that a palm treewasbetween a cheruband a cherub; and everycherubhad twofaces;19 So that the faceof a manwastoward the palm treeon the one side, and the faceof a young liontoward the palm tree on the other side: it wasmadethrough all the houseround about.20 From the groundunto above the doorwerecherubimsand palm treesmade, and onthe wallof the temple.21 The postsof the templeweresquared, andthe faceof the sanctuary; the appearanceof the oneas the appearanceof the other.nposts: Heb. post22 The altarof woodwasthreecubitshigh, and the lengththereof twocubits; and the cornersthereof, and the lengththereof, and the walls thereof, wereof wood: and he said unto me, This isthe table that isbeforethe Lord.23 And the templeand the sanctuaryhad twodoors.24 And the doorshad twoleavesapiece, twoturningleaves; twoleavesfor the onedoor, and twoleavesfor the otherdoor.25 And there weremadeon them, on the doorsof the temple, cherubimsand palm trees, like as weremadeupon the walls; and there werethickplanksupon the faceof the porchwithout.26 And there werenarrowwindowsand palm treeson the one side and on the other side, on the sidesof the porch, and uponthe side chambersof the house, and thick planks.