1 Also, thou sonof man, prophesyunto the mountainsof Israel, and say, Ye mountainsof Israel, hearthe wordof the Lord:2 Thus saiththe LordGod; Because the enemyhath saidagainst you, Aha, even the ancienthigh placesare ours in possession:3 Therefore prophesyand say, Thus saiththe LordGod; Because they have made youdesolate, and swallowed you upon every side, that ye might be a possessionunto the residueof the heathen, and ye are taken upin the lipsof talkers, and arean infamyof the people:nBecause: Heb. Because for becausenare…: or, ye are made to come up on the lip of the tongue4 Therefore, ye mountainsof Israel, hearthe wordof the LordGod; Thus saiththe LordGodto the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolatewastes, and to the citiesthat are forsaken, which became a preyand derisionto the residueof the heathen that areround about;nrivers: or, bottoms, or, dales5 Therefore thus saiththe LordGod; Surely in the fireof my jealousyhave I spokenagainst the residueof the heathen, and against all Idumea, which have appointedmy landinto their possessionwith the joy of all theirheart, with despitefulminds, to cast it outfor a prey.6 Prophesytherefore concerning the landof Israel, and sayunto the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, Thus saiththe LordGod; Behold, I have spokenin my jealousyand in my fury, because ye have bornethe shameof the heathen:7 Therefore thus saiththe LordGod; I have lifted upmine hand, Surely the heathen that areaboutyou, they shall beartheir shame.
8 But ye, O mountainsof Israel, ye shall shoot forthyour branches, and yieldyour fruitto my peopleof Israel; for they are at handto come.9 For, behold, I amfor you, and I will turnunto you, and ye shall be tilledand sown:10 And I will multiplymenupon you, all the houseof Israel, evenall of it: and the citiesshall be inhabited, and the wastesshall be builded:11 And I will multiplyupon you manand beast; and they shall increaseand bring fruit: and I will settleyou after your old estates, and will do betterunto youthan at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I amthe Lord.12 Yea, I will cause mento walk upon you, evenmy peopleIsrael; and they shall possessthee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shalt no morehenceforth bereave them of men.13 Thus saiththe LordGod; Because they say unto you, Thou landdevourest upmen, and hast bereavedthy nations;14 Therefore thou shalt devourmenno more, neither bereavethy nationsany more, saiththe LordGod.nbereave: or, cause to fall15 Neither will I cause mento hearin thee the shameof the heathenany more, neither shalt thou bearthe reproachof the peopleany more, neither shalt thou cause thy nationsto fallany more, saiththe LordGod.
16 Moreover the wordof the Lordcame unto me, saying,17 Sonof man, when the houseof Israeldweltin their own land, they defiledit by their own wayand by their doings: their waywas beforeme as the uncleannessof a removed woman.18 Wherefore I pouredmy furyupon them for the bloodthat they had shedupon the land, and for their idolswherewiththey had polluted it:19 And I scatteredthem among the heathen, and they were dispersedthrough the countries: according to their wayand according to their doingsI judged them.20 And when they enteredunto the heathen, whither they went, they profanedmy holyname, when they said to them, These arethe peopleof the Lord, and are gone forthout of his land.
21 But I had pityfor mine holyname, which the houseof Israelhad profanedamong the heathen, whither they went.22 Therefore sayunto the houseof Israel, Thus saiththe LordGod; I do not thisfor your sakes, O houseof Israel, but for mine holyname'ssake, which ye have profanedamong the heathen, whither ye went.23 And I will sanctifymy greatname, which was profanedamong the heathen, which ye have profanedin the midstof them; and the heathenshall know that I amthe Lord, saiththe LordGod, when I shall be sanctifiedin you before their eyes.ntheir: or, your24 For I will takeyou from amongthe heathen, and gatheryou out of all countries, and will bringyou into your own land.
25 Then will I sprinklecleanwaterupon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.26 A newheartalso will I giveyou, and a newspiritwill I putwithinyou: and I will take awaythe stonyheartout of your flesh, and I will giveyou an heartof flesh.27 And I will putmy spiritwithinyou, and causeyou to walkin my statutes, and ye shall keepmy judgments, and dothem.28 And ye shall dwellin the landthat I gaveto your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.29 I will also saveyou from all your uncleannesses: and I will callfor the corn, and will increaseit, and layno famine upon you.30 And I will multiplythe fruitof the tree, and the increaseof the field, that ye shall receiveno more reproachof famineamong the heathen.31 Then shall ye rememberyour own evilways, and your doings that werenot good, and shall lotheyourselves in your own sightfor your iniquitiesand for your abominations.32 Not for your sakes do I this, saiththe LordGod, be it knownunto you: be ashamedand confoundedfor your own ways, O houseof Israel.33 Thus saiththe LordGod; In the daythat I shall have cleansedyou from all your iniquities I will also cause youto dwellin the cities, and the wastesshall be builded.34 And the desolatelandshall be tilled, whereas it lay desolatein the sightof all that passed by.35 And they shall say, Thislandthat was desolateis become like the gardenof Eden; and the wasteand desolateand ruinedcitiesare becomefenced, andare inhabited.36 Then the heathenthat are leftround aboutyou shall knowthat I the Lordbuildthe ruinedplaces, andplantthat that was desolate: I the Lordhave spokenit, and I will doit.37 Thus saiththe LordGod; I will yet forthis be enquiredof by the houseof Israel, to doitfor them; I will increasethem with menlike a flock.38 As the holyflock, as the flockof Jerusalemin her solemn feasts; so shall the wastecitiesbe filledwith flocksof men: and they shall know that I amthe Lord.nholy…: Heb. flock of holy things