1 Again the wordof the Lordcame unto me, saying,2 Sonof man, cause Jerusalemto knowher abominations,3 And say, Thus saiththe LordGodunto Jerusalem; Thy birthand thy nativityisof the landof Canaan; thy fatherwasan Amorite, and thy motheran Hittite.nbirth: Heb. cutting out, or, habitation4 And as forthy nativity, in the daythou wast bornthy navelwas not cut, neither wast thou washedin waterto supplethee; thou wast not saltedat all, nor swaddledat all.nto supple…: or, when I looked upon thee5 None eyepitiedthee, to doanyof these unto thee, to have compassionupon thee; but thou wast cast outin the openfield, to the lothingof thy person, in the daythat thou wast born.
6 And when I passedby thee, and sawthee pollutedin thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wastin thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wastin thy blood, Live.npolluted: or, trodden under foot7 I have causedthee to multiplyas the budof the field, and thou hast increasedand waxen great, and thou art cometo excellentornaments: thybreastsare fashioned, and thine hairis grown, whereas thou wastnakedand bare.ncaused…: Heb. made thee a millionnexcellent…: Heb. ornament of ornaments8 Now when I passedby thee, and lookedupon thee, behold, thy timewasthe timeof love; and I spreadmy skirtover thee, and coveredthy nakedness: yea, I swareunto thee, and enteredinto a covenantwith thee, saiththe LordGod, and thou becamest mine.9 Then washedI thee with water; yea, I throughly washed awaythy bloodfrom thee, and I anointedthee with oil.nblood: Heb. bloods10 I clothedthee also with broidered work, and shodthee with badgers' skin, and I girdedthee about with fine linen, and I coveredthee with silk.11 I deckedthee also with ornaments, and I putbraceletsupon thy hands, and a chainon thy neck.12 And I puta jewelon thy forehead, and earringsin thine ears, and a beautifulcrownupon thine head.nforehead: Heb. nose13 Thus wast thou deckedwith goldand silver; and thy raimentwas offine linen, and silk, and broidered work; thou didst eatfine flour, and honey, and oil: and thou wast exceedingbeautiful, and thou didst prosperinto a kingdom.14 And thy renownwent forthamong the heathenfor thy beauty: for it wasperfectthrough my comeliness, which I had putupon thee, saiththe LordGod.
15 But thou didst trustin thine own beauty, and playedst the harlotbecause of thy renown, and pouredst outthy fornicationson every one that passed by; his it was.16 And of thy garmentsthou didst take, and deckedstthy high placeswith divers colours, and playedst the harlot thereupon: the like thingsshall not come, neither shall it be so.17 Thou hast also takenthy fairjewelsof my goldand of my silver, which I had giventhee, and madestto thyself imagesof men, and didst commit whoredom with them,nof men: Heb. of a male18 And tookestthy broideredgarments, and coveredstthem: and thou hast setmine oiland mine incensebefore them.19 My meatalso which I gavethee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewithI fedthee, thou hast even setit beforethem for a sweetsavour: and thusit was, saiththe LordGod.na sweet…: Heb. a savour of rest20 Moreover thou hast takenthy sonsand thy daughters, whom thou hast borneunto me, and these hast thou sacrificedunto them to be devoured. Is thisof thy whoredomsa small matter,nto be…: Heb. to devour21 That thou hast slainmy children, and deliveredthem to cause them to pass throughthe fire for them?22 And in all thine abominationsand thy whoredomsthou hast not rememberedthe daysof thy youth, when thou wast nakedand bare, andwast pollutedin thy blood.23 And it came to pass afterall thy wickedness, (woe, woeunto thee! saiththe LordGod;)24 Thatthou hast also builtunto thee an eminent place, and hast madethee an high placein every street.neminent…: or, brothel house25 Thou hast builtthy high placeat every headof the way, and hast made thy beautyto be abhorred, and hast openedthy feetto every one that passed by, and multipliedthy whoredoms.26 Thou hast also committed fornicationwith the Egyptiansthy neighbours, greatof flesh; and hast increasedthy whoredoms, to provoke me to anger.27 Behold, therefore I have stretched outmy handover thee, and have diminishedthine ordinaryfood, and deliveredthee unto the willof them that hatethee, the daughtersof the Philistines, which are ashamedof thy lewdway.ndaughters: or, cities28 Thou hast played the whorealso with the Assyrians, becausethou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlotwith them, and yet couldest not be satisfied.29 Thou hast moreover multipliedthy fornicationin the landof Canaanunto Chaldea; and yet thou wast not satisfiedherewith.30 How weakis thine heart, saiththe LordGod, seeing thou doest all these things, the workof an imperiouswhorishwoman;31 In that thou buildestthine eminent placein the headof every way, and makestthine high placein every street; and hast not been as an harlot, in that thou scornesthire;nIn that thou buildest…: or, In thy daughters is thine, etc32 But asa wifethat committeth adultery, whichtakethstrangersinstead of her husband!33 They givegiftsto all whores: but thou givestthy giftsto all thy lovers, and hirestthem, that they may comeunto thee on every sidefor thy whoredom.nhirest: Heb. bribest34 And the contrary is in thee from otherwomenin thy whoredoms, whereas none followeththee to commit whoredoms: and in that thou givesta reward, and no rewardis givenunto thee, therefore thou artcontrary.
35 Wherefore, O harlot, hearthe wordof the Lord:36 Thus saiththe LordGod; Because thy filthinesswas poured out, and thy nakednessdiscoveredthrough thy whoredomswith thy lovers, and with all the idolsof thy abominations, and by the bloodof thy children, which thou didst give unto them;37 Behold, therefore I will gatherall thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all themthat thou hast loved, with all themthat thou hast hated; I will even gatherthem round aboutagainst thee, and will discoverthy nakednessunto them, that they may seeall thy nakedness.38 And I will judgethee, as women that break wedlockand shedbloodare judged; and I will givethee bloodin furyand jealousy.nas: Heb. with judgments of39 And I will also givethee into their hand, and they shall throw downthine eminent place, and shall break downthy high places: they shall stripthee also of thy clothes, and shall takethy fairjewels, and leavethee nakedand bare.nthy fair…: Heb. instruments of thine ornament40 They shall also bring upa companyagainst thee, and they shall stonethee with stones, and thrust thee throughwith their swords.41 And they shall burnthine houseswith fire, and executejudgmentsupon thee in the sightof manywomen: and I will cause thee to ceasefrom playing the harlot, and thou also shalt giveno hire any more.42 So will I make my furytoward thee to rest, and my jealousyshall departfrom thee, and I will be quiet, and will be no more angry.43 Because thou hast not rememberedthe daysof thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore I also will recompensethy way upon thinehead, saiththe LordGod: and thou shalt not committhis lewdnessabove all thine abominations.
44 Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use thisproverbagainst thee, saying, As isthe mother, so isher daughter.45 Thou artthy mother'sdaughter, that lothethher husbandand her children; and thou artthe sisterof thy sisters, which lothedtheir husbandsand their children: your motherwasan Hittite, and your fatheran Amorite.46 And thine eldersisterisSamaria, she and her daughtersthat dwellat thy left hand: and thy youngersister, that dwellethat thy right hand, isSodomand her daughters.nthy younger: Heb. lesser than thou47 Yet hast thou not walkedafter their ways, nor doneafter their abominations: but, as if that werea verylittlething, thou wast corruptedmore than theyin all thy ways.nas if…: or, that was lothed as a small thing48 AsI live, saiththe LordGod, Sodomthy sisterhath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.49 Behold, this was the iniquityof thy sisterSodom, pride, fulnessof bread, and abundanceof idlenesswas in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthenthe handof the poorand needy.50 And they were haughty, and committedabominationbeforeme: therefore I took them awayas I sawgood.51 Neither hath Samariacommittedhalfof thy sins; but thou hast multipliedthine abominationsmore than they, and hast justifiedthy sistersin all thine abominationswhich thou hast done.52 Thou also, which hast judgedthy sisters, bearthine own shamefor thy sinsthat thou hast committed more abominablethan they: they are more righteousthan thou: yea, be thou confoundedalso, and bearthy shame, in that thou hast justifiedthy sisters.53 When I shall bring againtheir captivity, the captivityof Sodomand her daughters, and the captivityof Samariaand her daughters, then will I bring againthe captivityof thy captivesin the midst of them:54 That thou mayest bearthine own shame, and mayest be confoundedin all that thou hast done, in that thou art a comfort unto them.55 When thy sisters, Sodomand her daughters, shall returnto their former estate, and Samariaand her daughtersshall returnto their former estate, then thou and thy daughtersshall returnto your former estate.56 For thy sisterSodomwas not mentionedby thy mouthin the dayof thy pride,nmentioned: Heb. for a report, or, hearingnpride: Heb. prides, or, excellencies57 Before thy wickednesswas discovered, as at the time of thyreproachof the daughtersof Syria, and all that areround abouther, the daughtersof the Philistines, which despisethee round about.nSyria: Heb. Aramndespise: or, spoil58 Thou hast bornethy lewdnessand thine abominations, saiththe Lord.nborne: Heb. borne them59 For thus saiththe LordGod; I will even dealwith thee as thou hast done, which hast despisedthe oathin breakingthe covenant.
60 Nevertheless I will remembermy covenantwith thee in the daysof thy youth, and I will establishunto thee an everlastingcovenant.61 Then thou shalt rememberthy ways, and be ashamed, when thou shalt receivethy sisters, thine elderand thy younger: and I will givethem unto thee for daughters, but not by thy covenant.62 And I will establishmy covenantwith thee; and thou shalt know that I amthe Lord:63 That thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never openthy mouthany more becauseof thy shame, when I am pacifiedtoward thee for all that thou hast done, saiththe LordGod.