1 Then camecertainof the eldersof Israelunto me, and satbefore me.2 And the wordof the Lordcame unto me, saying,3 Sonof man, these menhave set uptheir idolsin their heart, and putthe stumblingblockof their iniquitybeforetheir face: should I be enquiredof at all by them?4 Therefore speakunto them, and sayunto them, Thus saiththe LordGod; Every manof the houseof Israelthat setteth uphis idolsin his heart, and putteththe stumblingblockof his iniquitybeforehis face, and comethto the prophet; I the Lordwill answerhim that comethaccording to the multitudeof his idols;5 That I may takethe houseof Israelin their own heart, because they are all estrangedfrom me through their idols.
6 Therefore sayunto the houseof Israel, Thus saiththe LordGod; Repent, and turnyourselvesfrom your idols; and turn awayyour facesfrom all your abominations.nyourselves: or, others7 For every oneof the houseof Israel, or of the strangerthat sojournethin Israel, which separatethhimself from me, and setteth uphis idolsin his heart, and putteththe stumblingblockof his iniquitybeforehis face, and comethto a prophetto enquireof him concerning me; I the Lordwill answer him by myself:8 And I will setmy faceagainst that man, and will makehim a signand a proverb, and I will cut him offfrom the midstof my people; and ye shall know that I amthe Lord.9 And if the prophetbe deceivedwhen he hath spokena thing, I the Lordhave deceivedthat prophet, and I will stretch outmy handupon him, and will destroyhim from the midstof my peopleIsrael.10 And they shall bearthe punishment of their iniquity: the punishmentof the prophetshall be even as the punishmentof him that seekethunto him;11 That the houseof Israelmay go no more astrayfrom me, neither be pollutedany more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saiththe LordGod.
12 The wordof the Lordcame again to me, saying,13 Sonof man, when the landsinnethagainst me by trespassinggrievously, then will I stretch outmine handupon it, and will breakthe staffof the breadthereof, and will sendfamineupon it, and will cut offmanand beast from it:14 Though these threemen, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliverbuttheir own soulsby their righteousness, saiththe LordGod.
15 IfI cause noisomebeaststo pass throughthe land, and they spoilit, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass throughbecauseof the beasts:nspoil: or, bereave16 Thoughthese threemenwerein it, asI live, saiththe LordGod, they shall deliverneither sonsnor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the landshall be desolate.nin it: Heb. in the midst of it
17 Or ifI bringa swordupon that land, and say, Sword, go throughthe land; so that I cut offmanand beast from it:18 Though these threemenwerein it, asI live, saiththe LordGod, they shall deliverneither sonsnor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves.
19 Or ifI senda pestilenceinto that land, and pour outmy furyupon it in blood, to cut offfrom it manand beast:20 Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, werein it, asI live, saiththe LordGod, they shall deliverneither sonnordaughter; they shall butdelivertheir own soulsby their righteousness.21 For thus saiththe LordGod; How much more when I sendmy foursorejudgmentsupon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisomebeast, and the pestilence, to cut offfrom it manand beast?nHow…: or, Also when
22 Yet, behold, therein shall be lefta remnantthat shall be brought forth, bothsonsand daughters: behold, they shall come forthunto you, and ye shall seetheir wayand their doings: and ye shall be comfortedconcerning the evilthat I have broughtupon Jerusalem, evenconcerning all that I have brought upon it.23 And they shall comfortyou, when ye seetheir waysand their doings: and ye shall knowthat I have not donewithout causeall that I have donein it, saiththe LordGod.