1 There isan evilwhich I have seenunder the sun, and it iscommonamong men:2 A manto whom Godhath givenriches, wealth, and honour, so that he wantethnothing for his soulof all that he desireth, yet Godgiveth him not powerto eatthereof, but a strangereateth it: this isvanity, and it isan evildisease.
3 If a manbegetan hundredchildren, and livemanyyears, so that the daysof his yearsbe many, and his soulbe not filledwith good, and also thathe have no burial; I say, thatan untimely birthisbetter than he.4 For he comethin with vanity, and departethin darkness, and his nameshall be coveredwith darkness.5 Moreover he hath not seenthe sun, nor knownany thing: thishath more restthan the other.
6 Yea, thoughhe livea thousandyearstwicetold, yet hath he seenno good: do not all goto oneplace?7 All the labourof manisfor his mouth, and yet the appetiteis not filled.nappetite: Heb. soul8 For what hath the wisemorethan the fool? what hath the poor, that knowethto walkbefore the living?
9 Betteristhe sightof the eyesthan the wanderingof the desire: this isalso vanityand vexationof spirit.nthan…: Heb. than the walking of the soul10 That which hath been is namedalready, and it is known that it isman: neither mayhe contendwith him that is mightier than he.
11 Seeing there bemanythingsthat increasevanity, what ismanthe better?12 For who knoweth what isgoodfor man in thislife, allthe daysof his vainlifewhich he spendethas a shadow? for who can tella manwhat shall be afterhim under the sun?nall…: Heb. the number of the days of the life of his vanity