1 And Mosescalledall Israel, and saidunto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutesand judgmentswhich I speakin your earsthis day, that ye may learnthem, and keep, and do them.nkeep…: Heb. keep to do them2 The Lordour Godmadea covenantwith us in Horeb.3 The Lordmadenot this covenantwith our fathers, but with us, even us, who areall of ushere alivethis day.4 The Lordtalkedwith you faceto facein the mountout of the midstof the fire,5 (I stoodbetween the Lordand you at that time, to shewyou the wordof the Lord: for ye were afraidby reasonof the fire, and went not upinto the mount;) saying,
6 I amthe Lordthy God, which brought thee outof the landof Egypt, from the houseof bondage.nbondage: Heb. servants7 Thou shalt have none othergodsbefore me.8 Thou shalt not make thee anygraven image, orany likenessof any thing that isin heavenabove, or that isin the earth beneath, or that isin the watersbeneath the earth:9 Thou shalt not bow downthyself unto them, nor servethem: for I the Lordthy Godama jealousGod, visitingthe iniquityof the fathersupon the childrenunto the thirdand fourthgenerationof them that hate me,10 And shewingmercyunto thousandsof them that loveme and keepmy commandments.11 Thou shalt not takethe nameof the Lordthy Godin vain: for the Lord will not hold himguiltlessthat takethhis namein vain.12 Keepthe sabbathdayto sanctifyit, as the Lordthy Godhath commanded thee.13 Sixdaysthou shalt labour, and doall thy work:14 But the seventhdayisthe sabbathof the Lordthy God: in itthou shalt not doany work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that iswithin thy gates; that thy manservantand thy maidservantmay rest as well as thou.15 And rememberthat thou wast a servantin the landof Egypt, and thatthe Lordthy Godbroughtthee out thence through a mightyhandand by a stretched outarm: therefore the Lordthy Godcommandedthee to keepthe sabbathday.
16 Honourthy fatherand thy mother, as the Lordthy Godhath commandedthee; that thy daysmay be prolonged, and that it may go wellwith thee, in the landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveth thee.17 Thou shalt not kill.18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.19 Neither shalt thou steal.20 Neither shalt thou bearfalsewitnessagainst thy neighbour.21 Neither shalt thou desirethy neighbour'swife, neither shalt thou covetthy neighbour'shouse, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that isthy neighbour's.
22 These wordsthe Lordspakeunto all your assemblyin the mountout of the midstof the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a greatvoice: and he added no more. And he wrotethem in twotablesof stone, and delivered them unto me.23 And it came to pass, when ye heardthe voiceout of the midstof the darkness, (for the mountaindid burnwith fire,) that ye came near unto me, evenall the headsof your tribes, and your elders;24 And ye said, Behold, the Lordour Godhath shewedus his gloryand his greatness, and we have heardhis voiceout of the midstof the fire: we have seenthis daythat Goddoth talkwith man, and he liveth.25 Now therefore why should we die? for this greatfirewill consumeus: if we hearthe voiceof the Lordour Godany more, then we shall die.nhear: Heb. add to hear26 For who is there ofall flesh, that hath heardthe voiceof the livingGodspeakingout of the midstof the fire, as we have, and lived?27 Go thou near, and hearall that the Lordour Godshall say: and speakthou unto us all that the Lordour Godshall speakunto thee; and we will hearit, and doit.28 And the Lordheardthe voiceof your words, when ye spakeunto me; and the Lordsaidunto me, I have heardthe voiceof the wordsof this people, which they have spokenunto thee: they have wellsaid all that they have spoken.29 O that there were suchanheartin them, that they would fearme, and keepall my commandmentsalways, that it might be wellwith them, and with their childrenfor ever!30 Gosayto them, Getyou into your tentsagain.31 But as for thee, standthou here by me, and I will speakunto thee all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which thou shalt teachthem, that they may dothemin the landwhich I givethem to possess it.32 Ye shall observeto dotherefore as the Lordyour Godhath commandedyou: ye shall not turn asideto the right handor to the left.33 Ye shall walkin all the wayswhich the Lordyour Godhath commandedyou, that ye may live, and that it may bewell with you, and thatye may prolongyourdaysin the landwhich ye shall possess.