1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the wordsof my mouth.2 My doctrineshall dropas the rain, my speechshall distilas the dew, as the small rainupon the tender herb, and as the showersupon the grass:3 Because I will publishthe nameof the Lord: ascribeye greatnessunto our God.4 He isthe Rock, his workisperfect: for all his waysarejudgment: a Godof truthand without iniquity, justand rightis he.5 They have corruptedthemselves, their spotis not the spotof his children: they area perverseand crookedgeneration.nThey have…: Heb. He hath corrupted to himselfntheir…: or, that they are not his children, that is their blot6 Do ye thus requitethe Lord, O foolishpeopleand unwise? isnot he thy fatherthathath boughtthee? hath he not madethee, and established thee?
7 Rememberthe daysof old, considerthe yearsof manygenerations: askthy father, and he will shewthee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.nmany…: Heb. generation and generation8 When the most Highdividedto the nationstheir inheritance, when he separatedthe sonsof Adam, he setthe boundsof the peopleaccording to the numberof the childrenof Israel.9 For the Lord'sportionishis people; Jacobisthe lotof his inheritance.nlot: Heb. cord10 He foundhim in a desertland, and in the wastehowlingwilderness; he led him about, he instructedhim, he kepthim as the appleof his eye.nled: or, compassed11 As an eaglestirreth upher nest, flutterethover her young, spreadeth abroadher wings, takeththem, beareththem on her wings:12 Sothe Lordalonedid lead him, and there wasno strangegod with him.13 He made him rideon the high placesof the earth, that he might eatthe increaseof the fields; and he made him to suckhoneyout of the rock, and oilout of the flintyrock;14 Butterof kine, and milkof sheep, with fatof lambs, and ramsof the breedof Bashan, and goats, with the fatof kidneysof wheat; and thou didst drinkthe purebloodof the grape.
15 But Jeshurunwaxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art coveredwith fatness; then he forsookGodwhichmadehim, and lightly esteemedthe Rockof his salvation.16 They provoked him to jealousywith strangegods, with abominationsprovoked they him to anger.17 They sacrificedunto devils, not to God; to godswhom they knewnot, to newgods thatcamenewlyup, whom your fathersfeared not.nnot to…: or, which were not God18 Of the Rockthatbegatthee thou art unmindful, and hast forgottenGodthat formed thee.19 And when the Lordsawit, he abhorredthem, because of the provokingof his sons, and of his daughters.nabhorred: or, despised20 And he said, I will hidemy facefrom them, I will seewhat their endshall be: for they area very frowardgeneration, children in whom isno faith.21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which isnotGod; they have provoked me to angerwith their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which arenot a people; I will provoke them to angerwith a foolishnation.22 For a fireis kindledin mine anger, and shall burnunto the lowesthell, and shall consumethe earthwith her increase, and set on firethe foundationsof the mountains.nshall burn: or, hath burnednshall consume: or, hath consumed23 I will heapmischiefsupon them; I will spendmine arrows upon them.24 They shall beburntwith hunger, and devouredwith burning heat, and with bitterdestruction: I will also sendthe teethof beastsupon them, with the poisonof serpentsof the dust.nheat: Heb. coals25 The swordwithout, and terrorwithin, shall destroyboth the young manand the virgin, the sucklingalsowith the manof gray hairs.nwithin: Heb. from the chambersndestroy: Heb. bereave26 I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembranceof them to ceasefrom among men:27 Were it notthat I fearedthe wrathof the enemy, lest their adversariesshould behave themselves strangely, andlest they should say, Our handishigh, and the Lordhath not done all this.nOur…: or, Our high hand, and not the Lord hath done28 For they area nationvoidof counsel, neither is there anyunderstanding in them.29 O thatthey were wise, thatthey understood this, thatthey would considertheir latter end!30 How should onechasea thousand, and twoput tenthousandto flight, excepttheir Rockhad soldthem, and the Lordhad shut them up?31 For their rockisnot as our Rock, even our enemies themselves beingjudges.32 For their vineisof the vineof Sodom, and of the fieldsof Gomorrah: their grapesaregrapesof gall, their clustersarebitter:nof the vine: or, worse than the vine33 Their wineisthe poisonof dragons, and the cruelvenomof asps.34 Isnot this laid up in store with me, andsealed upamong my treasures?35 To me belongethvengeance, and recompence; their footshall slide in duetime: for the dayof their calamityisat hand, and the things that shall comeupon them make haste.36 For the Lordshall judgehis people, and repenthimself for his servants, when he seeth that theirpoweris gone, and there isnoneshut up, or left.npower: Heb. hand37 And he shall say, Where aretheir gods, theirrockin whom they trusted,38 Which did eatthe fatof their sacrifices, anddrankthe wineof their drink offerings? let them rise upand help you, andbe your protection.nyour…: Heb. an hiding for you39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there isno godwith me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there anythat can deliverout of my hand.40 For I lift upmy handto heaven, and say, I livefor ever.41 If I whetmy glitteringsword, and mine handtake holdon judgment; I will rendervengeanceto mine enemies, and will rewardthem that hate me.42 I will make mine arrowsdrunkwith blood, and my swordshall devourflesh; and thatwith the bloodof the slainand of the captives, from the beginningof revengesupon the enemy.43 Rejoice, O ye nations, withhis people: for he will avengethe bloodof his servants, and will rendervengeanceto his adversaries, and will be mercifulunto his land, andto his people.nRejoice…: or, Praise his people, ye nations: or, Sing ye
44 And Mosescameand spakeall the wordsof this songin the earsof the people, he, and Hosheathe sonof Nun.nHoshea: or, Joshua45 And Mosesmade an endof speakingall these wordsto all Israel:46 And he saidunto them, Setyour heartsunto all the wordswhich I testifyamong you this day, which ye shall commandyour childrento observeto do, all the wordsof this law.47 For it isnot a vainthing for you; because it isyour life: and through this thingye shall prolongyourdaysin the land, whither ye go overJordanto possess it.48 And the Lordspakeunto Mosesthat selfsameday, saying,49 Get thee upinto this mountainAbarim, untomountNebo, which isin the landof Moab, that isover againstJericho; and beholdthe landof Canaan, which I giveunto the childrenof Israelfor a possession:50 And diein the mountwhither thou goest up, and be gatheredunto thy people; as Aaronthy brotherdiedin mountHor, and was gatheredunto his people:51 Because ye trespassedagainst me amongthe childrenof Israelat the watersof Meribah–Kadesh, in the wildernessof Zin; because ye sanctifiedme not in the midstof the childrenof Israel.nMeribah–Kadesh: or, strife at Kadesh52 Yet thou shalt seethe land before thee; but thou shalt not gothither unto the landwhich I givethe childrenof Israel.