1 And Moseswith the eldersof Israelcommandedthe people, saying, Keepall the commandmentswhich I commandyou this day.2 And it shall be on the daywhen ye shall pass overJordanunto the landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveththee, that thou shalt set thee upgreatstones, and plaisterthem with plaister:3 And thou shalt writeupon them all the wordsof this law, when thou art passed over, that thou mayest go inunto the landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveththee, a landthat flowethwith milkand honey; as the LordGodof thy fathershath promised thee.4 Therefore it shall be when ye be gone overJordan, thatye shall set upthese stones, which I commandyou this day, in mountEbal, and thou shalt plaisterthem with plaister.5 And there shalt thou buildan altarunto the Lordthy God, an altarof stones: thou shalt not lift upanyirontool upon them.6 Thou shalt buildthe altarof the Lordthy Godof wholestones: and thou shalt offerburnt offeringsthereon unto the Lordthy God:7 And thou shalt offerpeace offerings, and shalt eatthere, and rejoicebeforethe Lordthy God.8 And thou shalt writeupon the stonesall the wordsof this lawveryplainly.
9 And Mosesand the prieststhe Levitesspakeunto all Israel, saying, Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this daythou art becomethe peopleof the Lordthy God.10 Thou shalt therefore obeythe voiceof the Lordthy God, and dohis commandmentsand his statutes, which I commandthee this day.
11 And Moseschargedthe peoplethe same day, saying,12 These shall standupon mountGerizimto blessthe people, when ye are come overJordan; Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin:13 And these shall standupon mountEbalto curse; Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.nto curse: Heb. for a cursing
14 And the Levitesshall speak, and sayunto all the menof Israelwith a loudvoice,15 Cursedbethe manthat makethanygravenor molten image, an abominationunto the Lord, the workof the handsof the craftsman, and puttethit in asecretplace. And all the peopleshall answerand say, Amen.16 Cursedbehe that setteth lightby his fatheror his mother. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.17 Cursedbehe that removethhis neighbour'slandmark. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.18 Cursedbehe that maketh the blindto wanderout of the way. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.19 Cursedbehe that perverteththe judgmentof the stranger, fatherless, and widow. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.20 Cursedbehe that liethwith his father'swife; because he uncoverethhis father'sskirt. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.21 Cursedbehe that liethwith any manner of beast. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.22 Cursedbehe that liethwith his sister, the daughterof his father, or the daughterof his mother. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.23 Cursedbehe that liethwith his mother in law. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.24 Cursedbehe that smitethhis neighboursecretly. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.25 Cursedbehe that takethrewardto slayan innocentperson. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.26 Cursedbehe that confirmeth not allthe wordsof this lawto dothem. And all the peopleshall say, Amen.