1 If there be a controversybetween men, and they comeunto judgment, that the judgesmay judgethem; then they shall justifythe righteous, and condemnthe wicked.2 And it shall be, if the wicked manbeworthyto be beaten, that the judgeshall cause him to lie down, and to be beatenbefore his face, accordingto his fault, by a certain number.3 Fortystripes he may give him, andnot exceed: lest, ifhe should exceed, and beathim above these with manystripes, then thy brothershould seem vile unto thee.
4 Thou shalt not muzzlethe oxwhen he treadeth outthe corn.ntreadeth…: Heb. thresheth
5 If brethrendwelltogether, and oneof them die, and have no child, the wifeof the deadshall not marry withoutunto a stranger: her husband's brothershall go inunto her, and takeher to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.nher husband's…: or, her next kinsman6 And it shall be, thatthe firstbornwhich she bearethshall succeedin the nameof his brotherwhich isdead, that his namebe not put outof Israel.7 And if the manlikenot to takehis brother's wife, then let his brother's wifego upto the gateunto the elders, and say, My husband's brotherrefusethto raise upunto his brothera namein Israel, he willnot perform the duty of my husband's brother.nbrother's: or, next kinsman's8 Then the eldersof his cityshall callhim, and speak unto him: and ifhe standto it, and say, I likenot to take her;9 Then shall his brother's wifecomeunto him in the presenceof the elders, and loosehis shoefrom off his foot, and spitin his face, and shall answerand say, So shall it be doneunto that manthat will not build uphis brother'shouse.10 And his nameshall be calledin Israel, The houseof him that hath his shoeloosed.
11 When menstrivetogetherone with another, and the wifeof the onedraweth nearfor to deliverher husbandout of the handof him that smitethhim, and putteth forthher hand, and takethhim by the secrets:12 Then thou shalt cut offher hand, thine eyeshall not pityher.
13 Thou shalt not have in thy bagdivers weights, a greatand a small.ndivers…: Heb. a stone and a stone14 Thou shalt not have in thine housedivers measures, a greatand a small.ndivers…: Heb. an ephah and an ephah15 Butthou shalt have a perfectand justweight, a perfectand justmeasureshalt thou have: that thy daysmay be lengthenedin the landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveth thee.16 For all that dosuch things, andall that dounrighteously, arean abominationunto the Lordthy God.
17 Rememberwhat Amalekdidunto thee by the way, when ye were come forthout of Egypt;18 How he metthee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that werefeeblebehind thee, when thou wastfaintand weary; and he fearednot God.19 Therefore it shall be, when the Lordthy Godhath given thee restfrom all thine enemiesround about, in the landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveth thee foran inheritanceto possess it, thatthou shalt blot outthe remembranceof Amalekfrom under heaven; thou shalt not forgetit.