1 If onebe foundslainin the landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveththee to possessit, lyingin the field, andit be not knownwho hath slain him:2 Then thy eldersand thy judgesshall come forth, and they shall measureunto the cities which areround abouthim that is slain:3 And it shall be, thatthe citywhich isnextunto the slain man, even the eldersof that cityshall takean heifer, which hath not been wrought with, andwhich hath not drawnin the yoke;4 And the eldersof that cityshall bring downthe heiferunto a roughvalley, which is neither earednor sown, and shall strike offthe heifer'sneckthere in the valley:5 And the prieststhe sonsof Levishall come near; for them the Lordthy Godhath chosento ministerunto him, and to blessin the nameof the Lord; and by their wordshall every controversyand every stroke be tried:nword: Heb. mouth6 And all the eldersof that city, that arenextunto the slainman, shall washtheir handsover the heiferthat is beheadedin the valley:7 And they shall answerand say, Our handshave not shedthis blood, neither have our eyesseenit.8 Be merciful, O Lord, unto thy peopleIsrael, whom thou hast redeemed, and laynot innocentbloodunto thy peopleof Israel'scharge. And the bloodshall be forgiven them.nunto thy people of: Heb. in the midst, etc9 So shalt thou put away the guilt ofinnocentbloodfrom amongyou, when thou shalt dothat which isrightin the sightof the Lord.
10 When thou goest forthto waragainst thine enemies, and the Lordthy Godhath deliveredthem into thine hands, and thou hast takenthem captive,11 And seestamong the captivesa beautifulwoman, and hast a desireunto her, that thou wouldest have herto thy wife;12 Then thou shalt bringher hometo thine house; and she shall shaveher head, and pareher nails;npare: or, suffer to grow: Heb. make, or, dress13 And she shall putthe raimentof her captivityfrom off her, and shall remainin thine house, and bewailher fatherand her mothera fullmonth: and afterthat thou shalt goin unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.14 And it shall be, if thou have no delightin her, then thou shalt let her gowhither she will; but thou shalt not sellher at allfor money, thou shalt not make merchandiseof her, becausethou hast humbled her.
15 If a manhave twowives, onebeloved, and anotherhated, and they have bornhim children, boththe belovedand the hated; and ifthe firstbornsonbe hers that was hated:16 Then it shall be, whenhe maketh his sonsto inheritthat which he hath, thathe maynot make the sonof the belovedfirstbornbeforethe sonof the hated, which is indeedthe firstborn:17 But he shall acknowledgethe sonof the hatedforthe firstborn, by givinghim a doubleportionof all that he hath: for he isthe beginningof his strength; the rightof the firstbornis his.nthat…: Heb. that is found with him
18 If a manhave a stubbornand rebelliousson, which will not obeythe voiceof his father, or the voiceof his mother, and that, when they have chastenedhim, will not hearken unto them:19 Then shall his fatherand his motherlay holdon him, and bring him outunto the eldersof his city, and unto the gateof his place;20 And they shall sayunto the eldersof his city, This our sonisstubbornand rebellious, he will not obeyour voice; he isa glutton, and a drunkard.21 And all the menof his cityshall stonehim with stones, that he die: so shalt thou putevilawayfrom amongyou; and all Israelshall hear, and fear.
22 And if a manhave committed a sinworthy ofdeath, and he be to be put to death, and thou hanghim on a tree:23 His bodyshall not remain all nightupon the tree, but thou shalt in any wiseburyhim that day; (for he that is hangedisaccursedof God;) that thy landbe not defiled, which the Lordthy Godgiveth thee foran inheritance.naccursed…: Heb. the curse of God