1 Observethe monthof Abib, and keepthe passoverunto the Lordthy God: for in the monthof Abibthe Lordthy Godbrought thee forthout of Egyptby night.2 Thou shalt therefore sacrificethe passoverunto the Lordthy God, of the flockand the herd, in the placewhich the Lordshall chooseto placehis name there.3 Thou shalt eatno leavened breadwith it; sevendaysshalt thou eatunleavened bread therewith, eventhe breadof affliction; for thou camest forthout of the landof Egyptin haste: that thou mayest rememberthe daywhen thou camest forthout of the landof Egyptall the daysof thy life.4 And there shall be no leavened breadseenwith thee in all thy coastsevendays; neither shall there any thingof the flesh, which thou sacrificedstthe firstdayat even, remainall night until the morning.5 Thou mayestnot sacrificethe passoverwithin anyof thy gates, which the Lordthy Godgiveth thee:nsacrifice: or, kill6 But at the placewhich the Lordthy Godshall chooseto placehis namein, there thou shalt sacrificethe passoverat even, at the going downof the sun, at the seasonthat thou camest forthout of Egypt.7 And thou shalt roastand eatitin the placewhich the Lordthy Godshall choose: and thou shalt turnin the morning, and gounto thy tents.8 Sixdaysthou shalt eatunleavened bread: and on the seventhdayshall bea solemn assemblyto the Lordthy God: thou shalt dono worktherein.nsolemn…: Heb. restraint
9 Sevenweeksshalt thou numberunto thee: beginto numberthe sevenweeks from such time asthou beginnestto putthe sickleto the corn.10 And thou shalt keepthe feastof weeksunto the Lordthy Godwith a tributeof a freewill offeringof thine hand, which thou shalt giveunto the Lord thy God, according as the Lordthy Godhath blessed thee:na tribute: or, sufficiency11 And thou shalt rejoicebeforethe Lordthy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that iswithin thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that areamongyou, in the placewhich the Lordthy Godhath chosento placehis name there.12 And thou shalt rememberthat thou wast a bondmanin Egypt: and thou shalt observeand dothese statutes.
13 Thou shalt observethe feastof tabernaclessevendays, after that thou hast gatheredin thy cornand thy wine:ncorn…: Heb. floor, and thy winepress14 And thou shalt rejoicein thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite, the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that arewithin thy gates.15 Sevendaysshalt thou keep a solemn feastunto the Lordthy Godin the placewhich the Lordshall choose: because the Lordthy Godshall blessthee in all thine increase, and in all the worksof thine hands, therefore thou shalt surely rejoice.
16 Threetimesin a yearshall all thy malesappearbeforethe Lordthy Godin the placewhich he shall choose; in the feastof unleavened bread, and in the feastof weeks, and in the feastof tabernacles: and they shall not appearbeforethe Lordempty:17 Every manshall giveas he is able, according to the blessingof the Lordthy Godwhich he hath given thee.nas…: Heb. according to the gift of his hand
18 Judgesand officersshalt thou makethee in all thy gates, which the Lordthy Godgiveththee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall judgethe peoplewith justjudgment.19 Thou shalt not wrestjudgment; thou shalt not respectpersons, neither takea gift: for a giftdoth blindthe eyesof the wise, and pervertthe wordsof the righteous.nwords: or, matters20 That which is altogetherjustshalt thou follow, that thou mayest live, and inheritthe landwhich the Lordthy Godgiveth thee.nThat which…: Heb. Justice, justice
21 Thou shalt not plantthee a groveof any treesnear untothe altarof the Lordthy God, which thou shalt make thee.22 Neither shalt thou set thee upanyimage; which the Lordthy Godhateth.nimage: or, statue, or, pillar